RE: [bug] Provenance

Ok, make sense then.




From: Leroy Finn [] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2013 7:14 AM
To: Yves Savourel
Cc: Multilingual Web LT-TESTS Public
Subject: Re: [bug] Provenance


Thanks Yves. I haven't re ran the output in a while and Pablo was updating the provenance input files over Christmas so that the input files were more in line with LQI . I will have to correct a few things in the parser for provenance which I will try to get around to this week. I should have updated the output sooner though. Thanks for the help.





On 9 January 2013 12:59, Yves Savourel <> wrote:

Hi Leroy, all,

We've finally decided to implement Provenance.
And when running the test suite we've found quite a few issues with both the input and output files.

They are listed here:

Most files were incorrect.

Some of the problems were just related to output conventions, for example: Spaces vs tabs to separate the fields; fields ordered by name then by index instead of by index then by name; index on provenanceRecordsRef; etc. I went by what was decided in the LQI output since it makes sense to have all standoff output following the same conventions.

But other things were a bit stranger: provenanceRecordsRefPointer="#pr1" instead of provenanceRecordsRefPointer="@xml:id"; many invalid XMLs (extra closing tags); output data completely different from the input data, etc. We should have caught those issues long ago. Didn't anyone implemented Provenance yet?

Anyway, hopefully several of you can double-check my corrections and make sure we have proper input/output now.



Received on Wednesday, 9 January 2013 14:16:19 UTC