RE: [ACTION-230] ITS 2.0 Test suite on github

Hello Leroy, Dominic, all.


We have some questions related to the use of the Test Suite available in Sorry in advance if
this matter has been discussed before.


1) The test suite aim is to provide several input files so that we can test
them in our system implementations and then generate the exact same output
txt files with our system? I mean, do we need to develop our “own test
suite” program to create those output files?

If that’s the case, is there an specification of the result format available
in some place? That is, the information that has to be on each line:

Node_XPath[TAB]ITS rule that applies


For example, we have lines like this in the first Translate XML test

outputType=inherited  translate="no"


In other lines of the same file there is no “outputType” info. Which
possible values can be in this outputType property (inherited…)? When this
outputType info has to be in the line and when has not?

If we have to generate the exact same txt files this “specification” will be
very helpful.


2) Or do we need to upload new files (our own files) in order to generate
automatically the output result so that we can compare it with our own
processing results?


3) Or will we have to upload only the output files generated by our system
to the test suite web page so it can generate automatically the result file
whether is correct or wrong?


Thank you.


Mauricio del Olmo Martínez

Dpto. Técnico/I+D+i

Linguaserve Internacionalización de Servicios, S.A.

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Received on Thursday, 18 October 2012 13:45:39 UTC