Re: Test Suit Specs - Standoff Markup

I haven't started on localisation quality parsing yet but i would go with
the pattern of alphabetical ordering. What do others think?


On 12 November 2012 10:01, Leroy Finn <> wrote:

> *I haven't start on localisation quality parsing yet but i would go with
> the pattern of alphabetical ordering. What do others think?
> Leroy*
> On 10 November 2012 05:03, Felix Sasaki <> wrote:
>> +1. Would it make sense to say in the test suite description that the
>> elements inside standoff markup are ordered alphabetically?
>> - Felix
>> 2012/11/9 Fredrik Liden <>
>>> I think testoutput for standoff markup is undefined, especially for
>>> multiple entries applied to the same target.****
>>> ** **
>>> In case Leroy needs some feedback maybe you  can think about how to best
>>> represent the test output of this test file, Example 84:****
>>> ** **
>>> <?xml version="1.0"?>****
>>> <xliff version="1.2" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2"****
>>>   xmlns:its="" its:version="2.0">****
>>>   <file original="example.doc" source-language="en" datatype="plaintext">
>>> ****
>>>     <body>****
>>>       <trans-unit id="1">****
>>>         <source xml:lang="en">This is the content</source>****
>>>         <target xml:lang="fr"><mrk mtype="x-itslq"****
>>>             its:locQualityIssuesRef="#lq1">c'es</mrk> le contenu</target>
>>> ****
>>>         <its:locQualityIssues xml:id="lq1">****
>>>           <its:locQualityIssue locQualityIssueType="misspelling"****
>>>             locQualityIssueComment="'c'es' is unknown. Could be 'c'est'"
>>> ****
>>>             locQualityIssueSeverity="50"/>****
>>>           <its:locQualityIssue locQualityIssueType="typographical"****
>>>             locQualityIssueComment="Sentence without capitalization"****
>>>             locQualityIssueSeverity="30"/>****
>>>         </its:locQualityIssues>****
>>>       </trans-unit>****
>>>     </body>****
>>>   </file>****
>>> </xliff>****
>>> ** **
>>> In the common cases we to just display the IRI of the hrefs such as
>>> locNoteHrefPointer. But in the case of standoff we probably want o resolve
>>> the values to validate the result. Here’s basic example, putting the
>>> numbers in front so we can still sort it. It’s not that pretty though.**
>>> **
>>> ** **
>>> /xliff/file[1]/body[1]/trans-unit[1]/target[1]/mrk
>>> locQualityIssuesRef="#lq1"(?)
>>> [1]locQualityIssueType="misspelling"     [1]locQualityIssueComment="'c'es'
>>> is unknown. Could be 'c'est'"
>>> [1]locQualityIssueSeverity="50"
>>> [2]locQualityIssueType="typographical"
>>> [2]locQualityIssueComment="Sentence without capitalization"
>>> [2]locQualityIssueSeverity="30"****
>>> ** **
>>> Fredrik****
>>> ** **
>>  --
>> Felix Sasaki
>> DFKI / W3C Fellow

Received on Monday, 12 November 2012 10:02:46 UTC