[bug] terminology and translate

Hi Leroy, all,

I've pushed a few updates:

-- Renamed two "précis" file to "rating"

-- One of the latest translate tests had the nodes for the embedded rules in the output: they should not be there because from the viewpoint of HTML they are in <script> and are not nodes but plain content.

-- terminology1htmloutput.txt was missing an output node for the id attribute of p.

-- terminology5htmloutput.txt and terminology9xmloutput.txt had several issues: a) some attributes nodes of the output were not sorted alphabetically. b) the string out of its:annotatorsRef is accumulating the references (See http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-its20-20121206/#its-tool-annotation)
So, for example, the annotator for /html/body[1]/p[1]/span[1]
should be: annotatorsRef="disambiguation|file:///tools.xml#T1 terminology|http://example.com/term-tool#T2"
and not: annotatorsRef="terminology|http://example.com/termTool#T2"

-- terminology6htmloutput.txt had its embedded rules incorrectly output as nodes (content of <script> is plain text in that initial document)


Received on Thursday, 20 December 2012 04:07:25 UTC