CVS WWW/International/multilingualweb/lt/drafts/its20

Update of /w3ccvs/WWW/International/multilingualweb/lt/drafts/its20
In directory gil:/tmp/cvs-serv15009

Modified Files:
	its20.html its20.odd 
Log Message:
edit list in 2.1

--- /w3ccvs/WWW/International/multilingualweb/lt/drafts/its20/its20.html	2013/06/17 09:03:33	1.449
+++ /w3ccvs/WWW/International/multilingualweb/lt/drafts/its20/its20.html	2013/06/17 09:07:41	1.450
@@ -389,9 +389,35 @@
             context. The motivation for separating data category definitions from their
             implementation is to enable different implementations with the following
             characteristics:</p><ul><li><p>For various types of content (XML in general or <a href="#specific-HTML-support" shape="rect">HTML</a>).</p></li><li><p>For a single piece of content, e.g. a <code>p</code> element. This is the so-called <a href="#basic-concepts-selection-local" shape="rect">local approach</a>.</p></li><li><p>For several pieces of content in one document or even a set of documents. This is the
-              so-called <a href="#basic-concepts-selection-global" shape="rect">global approach</a>.</p></li><li><p>For a complete markup vocabulary. This is done by adding <a href="#its-schemas" shape="rect">ITS markup declarations</a> to the schema for the vocabulary.</p></li></ul><p>ITS 2.0 provides the following data categories, using most of the existing ITS 1.0 data categories and adding new ones. Modifications of existing ITS 1.0 data categories are summarized in <a class="section-ref" href="#high-level-differences-between-1.0-and-2.0" shape="rect">Section 1.4: High-level differences between ITS 1.0 and ITS 2.0</a>.</p><ul><li><p><a href="#trans-datacat" shape="rect">Translate</a>: express information about whether a selected piece of content should be translated or not.</p></li><li><p><a href="#locNote-datacat" shape="rect">Localization Note</a>: communicate notes to localizers about a particular item of content.</p></li><li><p><a href="#terminology" shape="rect">Terminology</a>: mark terms and opionally associate them with information, such as definitions or references to a term data base.</p></li><li><p><a href="#directionality" shape="rect">Directionality</a>: specify the base writing direction of blocks, embeddings and overrides for the Unicode bidirectional algorithm.</p></li><li><p><a href="#language-information" shape="rect">Language Information</a>: express the language of a given piece of content.</p></li><li><p><a href="#elements-within-text" shape="rect">Elements Witin Text:</a> express how content of an element is related to the text flow (constitute its own segment like paragraphs, be part of a segment like emphasis marker etc.).</p></li><li><p><a href="#domain" shape="rect">Domain</a>: identify the topic or subject of the annotated content for translation-related applications.</p></li><li><p><a href="#textanalysis" shape="rect">Text Analysis</a>: annotate content with lexical or conceptual information (e.g. for the purpose of contextual disambiguation).</p></li><li><p><a href="#LocaleFlter" shape="rect">Locale Filter</a>: specify that a piece of content is only applicable to certain locales. </p></li><li><p><a href="#provenance" shape="rect">Provenance</a>: communicate the identity of agents that have been involved processing content.</p></li><li><p><a href="#externalresource" shape="rect">External Resource</a>: indicate reference points in a resource outside the document that need to be considered during localization or translation. Examples of such resources are external images and audio or video files.</p></li><li><p><a href="#target-pointer" shape="rect">Target Pointer</a>: associate the markup node of a given source content (i.e. the content to be translated) and the markup node of its corresponding target content (i.e. the source content translated into a given target language). This is relevant for formats that hold the same content in different languages inside a single document.</p></li><li><p><a href="#idvalue" shape="rect">Id Value</a>:  identify a value that can be used as unque identifier for a given part of the content.
-            </p></li><li><p><a href="#preservespace" shape="rect">Preserve Space</a>:  indicate how whitespace should be handled in content.</p></li><li><p><a href="#lqissue" shape="rect">Localization Quality Issue</a>: describe the nature and severity of an error detected during a language-oriented quality assurance (QA) process.</p></li><li><p><a href="#lqrating" shape="rect">Localization Quality Rating</a>: express an overall measurement of the localization quality of a document or an item in a document.</p></li><li><p><a href="#mtconfidence" shape="rect">MT Confidence</a>: indicate the confidence that MT systems provide about their translation.
-            </p></li><li><p><a href="#allowedchars" shape="rect">Allowed Characters</a>:  specify the characters that are permitted in a given piece of content.</p></li><li><p><a href="#storagesize" shape="rect">Storage Size</a>: specify the maximum storage size of a given content.</p></li></ul></div><div class="div2">
+              so-called <a href="#basic-concepts-selection-global" shape="rect">global approach</a>.</p></li><li><p>For a complete markup vocabulary. This is done by adding <a href="#its-schemas" shape="rect">ITS markup declarations</a> to the schema for the vocabulary.</p></li></ul><p>ITS 2.0 provides the following data categories, using most of the existing ITS 1.0 data categories and adding new ones. Modifications of existing ITS 1.0 data categories are summarized in <a class="section-ref" href="#high-level-differences-between-1.0-and-2.0" shape="rect">Section 1.4: High-level differences between ITS 1.0 and ITS 2.0</a>.</p><ul><li><p><a href="#trans-datacat" shape="rect">Translate</a>: expresses information about whether
+              a selected piece of content should be translated or not.</p></li><li><p><a href="#locNote-datacat" shape="rect">Localization Note</a>: communicates notes to
+              localizers about a particular item of content.</p></li><li><p><a href="#terminology" shape="rect">Terminology</a>: marks terms and optionally
+              associates them with information, such as definitions or references to a term data
+              base.</p></li><li><p><a href="#directionality" shape="rect">Directionality</a>: specifies the base writing
+              direction of blocks, embeddings and overrides for the Unicode bidirectional
+              algorithm.</p></li><li><p><a href="#language-information" shape="rect">Language Information</a>: expresses the
+              language of a given piece of content.</p></li><li><p><a href="#elements-within-text" shape="rect">Elements Witin Text:</a> expresses how
+              content of an element is related to the text flow (constitute its own segment like
+              paragraphs, be part of a segment like emphasis marker etc.).</p></li><li><p><a href="#domain" shape="rect">Domain</a>: identifies the topic or subject of the
+              annotated content for translation-related applications.</p></li><li><p><a href="#textanalysis" shape="rect">Text Analysis</a>: annotates content with lexical or
+              conceptual information (e.g. for the purpose of contextual disambiguation).</p></li><li><p><a href="#LocaleFilter" shape="rect">Locale Filter</a>: specifies that a piece of content
+              is only applicable to certain locales. </p></li><li><p><a href="#provenance" shape="rect">Provenance</a>: communicates the identity of agents
+              that have been involved processing content.</p></li><li><p><a href="#externalresource" shape="rect">External Resource</a>: indicates reference
+              points in a resource outside the document that need to be considered during
+              localization or translation. Examples of such resources are external images and audio
+              or video files.</p></li><li><p><a href="#target-pointer" shape="rect">Target Pointer</a>: associates the markup node of
+              a given source content (i.e. the content to be translated) and the markup node of its
+              corresponding target content (i.e. the source content translated into a given target
+              language). This is relevant for formats that hold the same content in different
+              languages inside a single document.</p></li><li><p><a href="#idvalue" shape="rect">Id Value</a>: identifies a value that can be used as
+              unique identifier for a given part of the content. </p></li><li><p><a href="#preservespace" shape="rect">Preserve Space</a>: indicates how whitespace should
+              be handled in content.</p></li><li><p><a href="#lqissue" shape="rect">Localization Quality Issue</a>: describes the nature and
+              severity of an error detected during a language-oriented quality assurance (QA)
+              process.</p></li><li><p><a href="#lqrating" shape="rect">Localization Quality Rating</a>: expresses an overall
+              measurement of the localization quality of a document or an item in a document.</p></li><li><p><a href="#mtconfidence" shape="rect">MT Confidence</a>: indicates the confidence that MT
+              systems provide about their translation. </p></li><li><p><a href="#allowedchars" shape="rect">Allowed Characters</a>: specifies the characters that
+              are permitted in a given piece of content.</p></li><li><p><a href="#storagesize" shape="rect">Storage Size</a>: specifies the maximum storage size
+              of a given content.</p></li></ul></div><div class="div2">
 <h3><a href="#contents" shape="rect"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents."/></a><a name="basic-concepts-selection" id="basic-concepts-selection" shape="rect"/>2.2 Selection</h3><p>Information (e.g. “translate this”) captured by an ITS data category always pertains to one or more XML or HTML nodes, primarily element and attribute nodes. In a sense, the relevant node(s) get “selected”. Selection may be explicit or implicit. ITS distinguishes two mechanisms for explicit selection: (1) local approach, and (2) global approach (via <code class="its-elem-markup">rules</code>). Both local and global approach can interact with each other, and with additional ITS dimensions such as inheritance and defaults.</p><p>The mechanisms defined for ITS selection resemble those defined in <a title="Cascading Style Sheets,&#xA;                level 2 revision 1 CSS 2.1 Specification" href="#css2-1" shape="rect">[CSS 21]</a>. The local approach can be compared to the
             <code>style</code> attribute in HTML/XHTML, and the global approach is similar to the <code>style</code> element in HTML/XHTML.</p><ul><li><p>the local approach puts ITS markup in the relevant element of the host vocabulary (e.g. the <code>author</code> element in DocBook)</p></li><li><p>the global, <a href="#selection-global" shape="rect">rule-based approach</a> puts the ITS
               markup in elements defined by ITS itself (namely the <code class="its-elem-markup">rules</code> element)</p></li></ul><p>ITS usually uses XPath in rules for identifying nodes although CSS Selectors and other query languages can in addition be implemented by applications.</p><p>ITS 2.0 can be used with XML documents (e.g. a DocBook article), HTML documents, or schemas (e.g. an XML Schema document for a proprietary document format).</p><p>The following two examples provide more details about the distinction between the local and global approach, using the <a href="#trans-datacat" shape="rect">Translate</a> data category as example.</p><div class="div3">
--- /w3ccvs/WWW/International/multilingualweb/lt/drafts/its20/its20.odd	2013/06/17 09:03:34	1.450
+++ /w3ccvs/WWW/International/multilingualweb/lt/drafts/its20/its20.odd	2013/06/17 09:07:41	1.451
@@ -508,56 +508,83 @@
           <list type="unordered">
-            <item><ref target="#trans-datacat">Translate</ref>: express information about whether a selected piece of content should be translated or not.</item>
-            <item><ref target="#locNote-datacat">Localization Note</ref>: communicate notes to localizers about a particular item of content.</item>
-            <item><ref target="#terminology">Terminology</ref>: mark terms and optionally associate them with information, such as definitions or references to a term data base.</item>
-            <item><ref target="#directionality">Directionality</ref>: specify the base writing direction of blocks, embeddings and overrides for the Unicode bidirectional algorithm.</item>
-            <item><ref target="#language-information">Language Information</ref>: express the language of a given piece of content.</item>
-            <item><ref target="#elements-within-text">Elements Witin Text:</ref> express how content of an element is related to the text flow (constitute its own segment like paragraphs, be part of a segment like emphasis marker etc.).</item>
-            <item><ref target="#domain">Domain</ref>: identify the topic or subject of the annotated content for translation-related applications.</item>
+            <item><ref target="#trans-datacat">Translate</ref>: expresses information about whether
+              a selected piece of content should be translated or not.</item>
+            <item><ref target="#locNote-datacat">Localization Note</ref>: communicates notes to
+              localizers about a particular item of content.</item>
+            <item><ref target="#terminology">Terminology</ref>: marks terms and optionally
+              associates them with information, such as definitions or references to a term data
+              base.</item>
+            <item><ref target="#directionality">Directionality</ref>: specifies the base writing
+              direction of blocks, embeddings and overrides for the Unicode bidirectional
+              algorithm.</item>
+            <item><ref target="#language-information">Language Information</ref>: expresses the
+              language of a given piece of content.</item>
+            <item><ref target="#elements-within-text">Elements Witin Text:</ref> expresses how
+              content of an element is related to the text flow (constitute its own segment like
+              paragraphs, be part of a segment like emphasis marker etc.).</item>
+            <item><ref target="#domain">Domain</ref>: identifies the topic or subject of the
+              annotated content for translation-related applications.</item>
-            <item><ref target="#textanalysis">Text Analysis</ref>: annotate content with lexical or conceptual information (e.g. for the purpose of contextual disambiguation).</item>
+            <item><ref target="#textanalysis">Text Analysis</ref>: annotates content with lexical or
+              conceptual information (e.g. for the purpose of contextual disambiguation).</item>
-            <item><ref target="#LocaleFilter">Locale Filter</ref>: specify that a piece of content is only applicable to certain locales. </item>
+            <item><ref target="#LocaleFilter">Locale Filter</ref>: specifies that a piece of content
+              is only applicable to certain locales. </item>
-            <item><ref target="#provenance">Provenance</ref>: communicate the identity of agents that have been involved processing content.</item>
+            <item><ref target="#provenance">Provenance</ref>: communicates the identity of agents
+              that have been involved processing content.</item>
-            <item><ref target="#externalresource">External Resource</ref>: indicate reference points in a resource outside the document that need to be considered during localization or translation. Examples of such resources are external images and audio or video files.</item>
+            <item><ref target="#externalresource">External Resource</ref>: indicates reference
+              points in a resource outside the document that need to be considered during
+              localization or translation. Examples of such resources are external images and audio
+              or video files.</item>
-            <item><ref target="#target-pointer">Target Pointer</ref>: associate the markup node of a given source content (i.e. the content to be translated) and the markup node of its corresponding target content (i.e. the source content translated into a given target language). This is relevant for formats that hold the same content in different languages inside a single document.</item>
+            <item><ref target="#target-pointer">Target Pointer</ref>: associates the markup node of
+              a given source content (i.e. the content to be translated) and the markup node of its
+              corresponding target content (i.e. the source content translated into a given target
+              language). This is relevant for formats that hold the same content in different
+              languages inside a single document.</item>
-            <item><ref target="#idvalue">Id Value</ref>:  identify a value that can be used as unique identifier for a given part of the content.
-            </item>                  
+            <item><ref target="#idvalue">Id Value</ref>: identifies a value that can be used as
+              unique identifier for a given part of the content. </item>                  
-            <item><ref target="#preservespace">Preserve Space</ref>:  indicate how whitespace should be handled in content.</item> 
+            <item><ref target="#preservespace">Preserve Space</ref>: indicates how whitespace should
+              be handled in content.</item> 
-            <item><ref target="#lqissue">Localization Quality Issue</ref>: describe the nature and severity of an error detected during a language-oriented quality assurance (QA) process.</item>
+            <item><ref target="#lqissue">Localization Quality Issue</ref>: describes the nature and
+              severity of an error detected during a language-oriented quality assurance (QA)
+              process.</item>
-            <item><ref target="#lqrating">Localization Quality Rating</ref>: express an overall measurement of the localization quality of a document or an item in a document.</item>
+            <item><ref target="#lqrating">Localization Quality Rating</ref>: expresses an overall
+              measurement of the localization quality of a document or an item in a document.</item>
-            <item><ref target="#mtconfidence">MT Confidence</ref>: indicate the confidence that MT systems provide about their translation.
-            </item>
+            <item><ref target="#mtconfidence">MT Confidence</ref>: indicates the confidence that MT
+              systems provide about their translation. </item>
-            <item> <ref target="#allowedchars">Allowed Characters</ref>:  specify the characters that are permitted in a given piece of content.</item>
+            <item>
+              <ref target="#allowedchars">Allowed Characters</ref>: specifies the characters that
+              are permitted in a given piece of content.</item>
-            <item><ref target="#storagesize">Storage Size</ref>: specify the maximum storage size of a given content.</item></list>
+            <item><ref target="#storagesize">Storage Size</ref>: specifies the maximum storage size
+              of a given content.</item></list>
         <div xml:id="basic-concepts-selection">

Received on Monday, 17 June 2013 09:07:46 UTC