Comment on ITS 2.0 WD-its20-20121206 - Inline global rules in XHTML

I know the commenting period is closed, but I'll post this one anyway:

Looking at the text says:

"XHTML documents aimed at public consumption by Web browsers SHOULD use syntax for local attributes described in Section 6.1: Mapping of Local Data Categories to HTML and SHOULD NOT use inline global rules in order to adhere to DOM Consistency HTML Design Principle."

I don't understand why we have to use <its:rules> directly rather than inside <script> for XHTML since the stated goal of the "DOM Consistency" seems to be to have the same tree. If we use <its:rules>..</its:rules> in XHTML and <script><its:rules>...</its:rules></script> we presumably get different trees not identical ones. It seems the "SHOULD NOT" should be a "SHOULD" (and the example changed).

>From an implementation view point it would be also simpler since we say attributes should use the HTML names. having to do the HTML5 thing for part of the parsing and the XML thing for the other is making things difficult.


Received on Thursday, 31 January 2013 15:45:53 UTC