Phone call on most important priorities for W3C [Core] (Was Re: Proceeding with [Core] via email discussion )


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On 12/23/2014 9:41 AM, Jeff Jaffe wrote:
> Today, I've also put a more elaborated discussion of these questions 
> in our wiki [1] if people would like to comment there.
> Jeff
> [1] 
> On 12/18/2014 10:17 AM, Jeff Jaffe wrote:
>> On today's scheduled [Core] call there was disappointing attendance 
>> and insufficient critical mass to make progress.
>> We decided to progress via mailing list and wiki for now, until our 
>> first phone call a month from now (January 15th).
>> Here are some relevant points.
>> 1. The agenda for today's call was comprised of a set of questions 
>> below.  I invite discussion of these questions on the mailing list as 
>> a way to move this forward.
>> 2. If there are other items that you feel we should explore as part 
>> of "what is most important for the core of the Web", please add your 
>> thoughts as well.
>> 3. Early next year, the Team will try to address some of these 
>> questions as well.  That will provide further fodder for our 
>> discussion.  Let me know if you have questions/comments for the Team.
>> Jeff
>> On 12/9/2014 9:39 PM, Jeff Jaffe wrote:
>>> Here is the agenda for the Core call on 18 December.
>>> 1. Application Foundations - do we have the right categories?
>>>   * Are there topics that are currently omitted that should be added?
>>>       o For example, at the TPAC breakout, Daniel Glazmann proposed
>>>         that we needed to focus on UI requirements as well.
>>>   * Is the taxonomy correct?  Should the functions be re-factored
>>>     differently (move things around between categories; subdivide
>>>     categories)
>>> 2. Developer input.  Most of us work inside organizations that 
>>> produce infrastructure - we don't have sufficient number of 
>>> developers in the discussion.  How do we get more developer input?  
>>> What kind of roadshow might work?  This would help us answer 
>>> questions such as:
>>>   * Are we providing developers what they need in each area.  For
>>>     example: are we providing everything needed to ensure secure
>>>     apps? Are we providing everything that is needed to deal with
>>>     responsive design?  Are we making all the knobs needed available
>>>     for performance?  How should the task force start taking on
>>>     these questions?
>>> 3. Next steps:
>>>   * Description of Application Foundations: Is the description in
>>>     the blog post accurate?  Is it at the right level of
>>>     description?  Does it need more detail?  Less detail?
>>>   * Mapping of existing work: Assemble a list of all existing work
>>>     and make clear which category it fits in.
>>> I don't expect to reach closure on these items, but we should 
>>> discuss how we make progress during the course of this effort.
>>> The next meeting of Core is 15 January; then bi-weekly after that.
>>> I will do some work on the wiki in the next few days to reflect our 
>>> status.
>>> Jeff

Received on Thursday, 15 January 2015 14:35:28 UTC