Re: Proceeding with [Core] via email discussion (Was Re: Postponed beginning for [Education], agenda for [Core])

On 05/01/2015 20:18, Jeff Jaffe wrote:
>> * Section 3. Mapping to native platforms - since Dom and the Web
>> Mobile IG have done quite a bit of work in this area (f.ex. gap
>> analysis <>), this document
>> should clarify what this effort is going to do vis-à-vis related work
>> in the IG.
> In fact, Dom told me he plans to utilize the Application Foundations
> taxonomy for the Mobile Web roadmap.  Dom, what is the best way to
> reflect that, or should we wait until the next time you publish a roadmap?

The next edition of the roadmap is scheduled for the end of this month, 
and I'm planning to integrate the application foundations taxonomy in 
that one.

But the work Art is referring to is distinct from the roadmap: is a fairly broad (although by 
no means exhaustive) review of what APIs/features are available in 
various native mobile platforms (with links to their respective 
documentation), and are or are not available in Web-based platforms.

As Art, I'm hoping that work can help when diving into each of the 
foundation to determine what already exists, and how it compares to what 
we're working on, or not working on yet.


Received on Tuesday, 6 January 2015 10:34:16 UTC