Postponed beginning for [Education], agenda for [Core]


A conflict has arise for the Education task force.  Accordingly, the 
first meeting for Education will be next year, on 9 January.

Here is the agenda for the Core call on 18 December.

1. Application Foundations - do we have the right categories?

  * Are there topics that are currently omitted that should be added?
      o For example, at the TPAC breakout, Daniel Glazmann proposed that
        we needed to focus on UI requirements as well.
  * Is the taxonomy correct?  Should the functions be re-factored
    differently (move things around between categories; subdivide

2. Developer input.  Most of us work inside organizations that produce 
infrastructure - we don't have sufficient number of developers in the 
discussion.  How do we get more developer input? What kind of roadshow 
might work?  This would help us answer questions such as:

  * Are we providing developers what they need in each area.  For
    example: are we providing everything needed to ensure secure apps?
    Are we providing everything that is needed to deal with responsive
    design?  Are we making all the knobs needed available for
    performance?  How should the task force start taking on these questions?

3. Next steps:

  * Description of Application Foundations: Is the description in the
    blog post accurate?  Is it at the right level of description?  Does
    it need more detail?  Less detail?
  * Mapping of existing work: Assemble a list of all existing work and
    make clear which category it fits in.

I don't expect to reach closure on these items, but we should discuss 
how we make progress during the course of this effort.

The next meeting of Core is 15 January; then bi-weekly after that.

I will do some work on the wiki in the next few days to reflect our status.


On 12/8/2014 1:35 PM, Maria Auday wrote:
> Hello,
> The details for the W3C Most important priorities task forces as follows:
> W3C Most important priorities task force “Core”
> Date: Every other Thursday starting 18 Dec
> Time: 10:00-11:00 am (EST)
> Zakim: +1.617.761.6200
> Code: 2673 (CORE)
> W3C Most important priorities task force “Education”
> Date: Every other Friday starting 12 Dec
> Time: 10:00-11:00 am (EST)
> Zakim: +1.617.761.6200
> Code: 3382 (EDUC)
> Maria

Received on Wednesday, 10 December 2014 02:39:18 UTC