Re: Wrong path in compiled stylesheets

Hmm, I am not seeing absolute paths in my local build. functions.xsl
uses relative paths and that's what I seem to see in the compiled

I wonder if it is not some other issue, rather than absolute paths? or
else maybe somehow the build is working differently for me.

How are you running the checker, and from what directory?


On Jan 9, 2008 10:40 AM, Abel Rionda <> wrote:
> Hi Araceli,
> Thank you very much for your info on this. It seems a problem with the
> compiled stylesheets because I have found some absolute
> paths to related files inside the compiled ones (.sxx)
> We are going to work on this and try to solve ASAP. Meanwhile you can
> download the whole source and build the jar on your machine
> (there is an ant task for this purpose: build-deploy-jar). Be aware that the
> jar built is only going to work on your machine.
> Regards,
> Abel.
>  ________________________________
> De:
> [] En nombre de Araceli Checa
>  Enviado el: martes, 08 de enero de 2008 19:33
>  Para:
>  Asunto: Wrong path in compiled stylesheets
> Hi all!
>  I've been playing with the alpha version of the library and I'm getting
> errors as the following:
>  Error on line 84 of
> file:/C:/CTIC/Projects/MWBP/mobileOK_Checker/Checker_CVS/build/org/w3c/mwi/mobileok/basic/xslt/functions.xsl:
>    FODC0005:
> /C:/CTIC/Projects/MWBP/mobileOK_Checker/Checker_CVS/build/org/w3c/mwi/mobileok/basic/xslt/
> (No such file or directory)
>  Investigating a little bit, I've found that same path in the compiled
> stylesheets (.sxx files in mwi/mobileok/basic/xslt)
>  Am I missing some configuration step?
>  Thanks!
>     Araceli

Received on Wednesday, 9 January 2008 23:29:42 UTC