Optimizing XSLT usage


I just re-read a message from Sean stating that a huge part of the
processing time of the library is spent in the XSLT processing.

Reading http://saxon.sourceforge.net/saxon7.7/using-xsl.html#Compiling ,
I wonder if the following has been explored:
* pre-compiling the style sheets - since they are static, it may at
least help reducing the time spent in parsing/interpreting them
* making sure validation is turned off - it probably doesn't matter
since the moki document doesn't have a doctype, and I don't think we're
processing XHTMl files directly, but who knows...

If it doesn't help, I guess we'll have to consider whether using DOM
analysis rather than XSLT processing wouldn't be better - ideally,
having a way to compare performances would help quite a lot.


Received on Monday, 22 October 2007 21:46:40 UTC