Draft for the user manual

Hi everyone,

I am sending again to the list an e-mail I have sent about 1 hour and a half ago.
It is taking a lot to receive it in the list although my mail server says it is already sent and it may have to see with the 1MB PDF attachment.

I am only attaching the ODP file now and I will send you some details to download the PDF for those who do not have OpenOffice installed.

And now, the text I previously sent...

Hi everyone,

Here I come with a first draft of the User Manual of the Checker, for you to review. I will still work on it tomorrow but, before I am done with some details, I think it would be good that you could send me your opinion about the structure (theoretically, agreed in Sophia-Antopolis) and the contents.

I am sending it in ODP and PDF formats (the latter, just in case you do not have OpenOffice installed).

Some comments:

- I guess that the logos are OK, except SevenVal's. Can you please send me a quality image, Roland?

- There is stuff missing: the final link for the binary release JAR, description for each jar on which the Checker depends, better explanations in certain parts of the doc, comment the results doc, enter some examples and create a glossary. Everything will be done by tomorrow (except the glossary thing, that I will add in next version of the doc).

- It seems important to me to explain people how to download the code via CVS so they can experiment with the code (and referencing the future Developer Manual, where all the guts of the Checker will be explained). I talk about it as s doc in development, because I want to publish it in a fine way, even for an alpha release. I'd publish the binary jar with the User Manual and expect the first version of the Developer Manual and a User Manual by next week.

- Please check the way in which I reference you all and your organizations. Also the copyright stuff. I tried to be brief and reference things like licenses of the libraries and the W3C License itself.

- I need that you confirm that you are entering any more changes to the Checker in order to show people how to import the code in the CVS repository into Eclipse.  I have detected changes in several checkouts I made today and it makes no sense that I document it if it is going to change (for example, the place where XSLTs are placed, some package naming and so on.

Well, I am looking forward to your comments.

Best regards,


Ignacio Marín Prendes
Device Independence Activity Lead
R&D Department
Fundación CTIC -Centro Tecnológico de la Información y la Comunicación-
Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Gijón
Edificio Centros Tecnológicos 
33203 Cabueñes - Gijón - Asturias
Teléfono: 984 29 12 12
Fax: 984 39 06 12

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Received on Monday, 15 October 2007 19:12:46 UTC