Re: Countdown to alpha release

thanks for your help!
I've updated the status in the tickets.


Am 04.10.2007 um 21:45 schrieb Sean Owen:

> On 10/4/07, Roland Gülle <> wrote:
>> Hi Sean,
>> a short update:
>>> Running the library now on a site or two, the only major issue I see
>>> is that line numbers aren't generally reported, but more than that,
>>> that <code> is empty in many cases.
>>> Roland I wonder if you can have a look at how <code> works again?  
>>> It's
>>> coming out empty for me. I remember you'd also  wanted to work  
>>> out how
>>> to get line number info from XSL if possible.
>> <code> is empty:
>> Actually there are xml nodes in the <code> elements.
>> It seems that the java code returns the value of the <code> elements,
>> not the node-list.
>> There are two possible solutions:
>> a) use the node-list in the java code
>> b) transform the nodes into text by XSLT
>> I created a ticket in bugzilla [1] .
>> If we should use solution b) assign me the ticket.
> Yes, my understanding was that <code> just contains text, a snippet of
> the source document around the error. For example, I had imagined that
> the result document would contain...
> <code>... foo bar &lt;font size="-2"&gt;baz&lt;/font&gt; whiz ...</ 
> code>
> or something roughly like that.
>> line numbers:
>> I searched the java function that can use in the XSLT to return the
>> document position,
>> (also contacted Laura, but she doesn't answered) but I don't find it.
>> It would be great if you help me with this question!
> Yeah Laura's email won't work anymore, she's no longer an intern.
> The function you want is DOMUtils.getNodeLineNumber(Node). You can get
> the line number within the original/tidied document by getting the
> line number of a node, and subtracting the line number of  the
> <docContent> node.
> This will contain the original or tidied document -- it is fine to
> report the line number relative to whichever one is appearing in the
> moki document.
>> If there isn't a java solution, I found a solution for returning the
>> line numbers in a document with XSLT [2].
>> A question about the line number: should we return the line number of
>> the original or tidied document?
>> We have this already discussed... but I don't remember our  
>> resolution.
>> The XSLT solution only works with the tidied doc.
>> Cheers,
>>   Roland
>> [1]
>> [2]

Received on Sunday, 7 October 2007 09:25:13 UTC