Re: Countdown to alpha release

On 10/4/07, Roland Gülle <> wrote:
> Hi Sean,
> a short update:
> > Running the library now on a site or two, the only major issue I see
> > is that line numbers aren't generally reported, but more than that,
> > that <code> is empty in many cases.
> >
> > Roland I wonder if you can have a look at how <code> works again? It's
> > coming out empty for me. I remember you'd also  wanted to work out how
> > to get line number info from XSL if possible.
> <code> is empty:
> Actually there are xml nodes in the <code> elements.
> It seems that the java code returns the value of the <code> elements,
> not the node-list.
> There are two possible solutions:
> a) use the node-list in the java code
> b) transform the nodes into text by XSLT
> I created a ticket in bugzilla [1] .
> If we should use solution b) assign me the ticket.

Yes, my understanding was that <code> just contains text, a snippet of
the source document around the error. For example, I had imagined that
the result document would contain...

<code>... foo bar &lt;font size="-2"&gt;baz&lt;/font&gt; whiz ...</code>

or something roughly like that.

> line numbers:
> I searched the java function that can use in the XSLT to return the
> document position,
> (also contacted Laura, but she doesn't answered) but I don't find it.
> It would be great if you help me with this question!

Yeah Laura's email won't work anymore, she's no longer an intern.

The function you want is DOMUtils.getNodeLineNumber(Node). You can get
the line number within the original/tidied document by getting the
line number of a node, and subtracting the line number of  the
<docContent> node.

This will contain the original or tidied document -- it is fine to
report the line number relative to whichever one is appearing in the
moki document.

> If there isn't a java solution, I found a solution for returning the
> line numbers in a document with XSLT [2].
> A question about the line number: should we return the line number of
> the original or tidied document?
> We have this already discussed... but I don't remember our resolution.
> The XSLT solution only works with the tidied doc.
> Cheers,
>   Roland
> [1]
> [2]

Received on Thursday, 4 October 2007 19:45:42 UTC