Re: ACTION: implement the XSLT-based solution for I18N

This looks pretty good to me -- go ahead and convert the rest of the
XSLTs to this convention and delete the Java version?

On 5/23/07, Roland Gülle <> wrote:
> A XSLT-based solution (only for one test) for I18N is in CVS [1] now.
> How it works:
> There is a default XML document '' [2] and a
> file for each language.
> To use a text/message in XSLT, you have to add the namespace
> xmlns:moki="" and the include <xsl:include
> href="functions.xsl"/>.
> Now use the new XPath function "moki:msgI18n(KEY, LANGUAGE)".
> If the language file is not available, or the key is not defined in
> the language file, the function selects the key from the default
> document ''.
> If the key is there also not available, an error message is returned.
> You can test it with the ImageMapsTest [4].
> One value is returned from the language file, one from the default
> XML and one error message.
>   Roland
> [1]
> mobileok/basic/xslt/ImageMapsTest.xsl
> [2]
> mobileok/basic/xslt/
> [3]
> mobileok/basic/xslt/functions.xsl
> [4] cvs/mobileok-ref/src/org/w3c/mwi/mobileok/basic/xslt$ java -
> jar ../../../../../../../lib/saxon8.jar ../../../../../../../test/
> data/ROOT/ImageMapsTest/2/moki.xml ImageMapsTest.xsl language=de

Received on Saturday, 26 May 2007 02:06:35 UTC