- From: Sean Owen <srowen@google.com>
- Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2007 14:12:41 -0500
- To: public-mobileok-checker@w3.org
- Message-ID: <e920a71c0703011112g6aa5475fhe513978102408b8e@mail.gmail.com>
Here's another cut at a test framework. It exposes intermediate test states in the HTTP-in-RDF vocab, and results in the EARL vocab, per my ACTION. Also per my ACTION I'm offering this overview of the code for discussion as we need to decide whether this is roughly OK as a starting point or not. Attached is source, a sample of the intermediate output XML at the moment, and a sample of the EARL results. All code is in package org.w3c.mwi.mobileok.basic. Depends on Java 5, Commons Codec, Commons HttpClient, Commons Logging. THE PUBLIC API Tester This is the top-level abstraction which runs the test. It can be constructed to operate on a file, a URI, or can be given the HTTP response body and headers directly. It exposes a runTests() method that runs everything, or, runTest() which runs just one test. TestType Just an enum of all test types. TestResults TestResult Returned by runTests() and runTest() respectively, and encapsulate the results of many tests and one test, respectively. TestResults includes many TestResult instances. These objects include test outcome, warnings, and information. TestOutcome Just an enum of PASS and FAIL, the two test outcomes TestException Throw if something goes wrong in the tester -- that is, not just that there was an error accessing the document but that something is wrong with the tester. NON-PUBLIC INTERNALS TestImplementation AbstractTestImplementation There's an implementation of TestImplementation for each mobileOK basic test, and AbstractTestImplementation fills the usual role of holding bits of logic common to implementations. TestContext Packages all the details of the preprocessing done by Tester, like the results of retrieving the resource, for all implementations to use. HTTPResource HTTPTextResource Encapsulates an HTTP request, its execution, and the response. HTTPTextResource just extends this to try to treat the body as text and make it available as a String CachingTest, etc. Implementations for particular mobileOK basic tests. SAMPLE USAGE IN JAVA ... which just prints results to System.out final Tester tester = new Tester(new URI("http://foobar.com")); final TestResults results = tester.runTests(); final TransformerFactory tFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); final StreamResult result = new StreamResult(System.out); tFactory.newTransformer().transform(new DOMSource(results.getIntermediateResultsDOM()), result); tFactory.newTransformer().transform(new DOMSource(results.getTestResultsDOM()), result);
- application/zip attachment: src.zip
- text/xml attachment: sample-intermediate.xml
- text/xml attachment: sample-earl.xml
Received on Thursday, 1 March 2007 19:13:19 UTC