CSS discussion



In the first part of this mail there is summary of current status of CSS
in XML

implementation and the second part there are some questions about

expressions approach in order to make a comparison between both


Please, feel free to add any comments or other issues to make the
comparison more



Current Status of CSS: CSS in XML


This is the general stylesheet structure present in moki so far:



<stylesheet type="embedded">


<CSSValidity valid="false">

      /*CSS grammar errors*/




            /*CSS in XML */





<stylesheet type="external">



<CSSValidity valid="true"/>



/*CSS in XML */







Current values of type attributte:



This type is used for CSS stuff enclosed inside style tags elements in
primary document.



This type is used for linked CSS (through link tag or xml pre-processing
instruction) and imported CSS (with some recent changes made by Laura).



Moki styles Block tag


We are using SAC for making a writer of CSS and build a representation
of CSS in XML. So far we have not a full serialization of CSS but an
equivalent representation. 

For example:

So far we have <selector>a:visited</selector> instead of <selector
value="a" pseudo="visited"/> 



Possible changes or things pending to do:


TOBEDISCUSSED Full Serialization 

Jo had said that it would be desirable having a full serialization. We
think that is not very difficult to do, but do we really need this level
of serialization to fulfil our tests? 


TODO Serialization of Inline Style

This can be done adding a new stylesheet tag to moki (of type inline)
with all the style attributes present in main document.


TODO Line Number

Adding a line number property to each serialized CSS property (This can
be done during serialization).


TODO: Deal with short hand properties (eg font into font-size,


TODO: Parsing out the values defined in properties into usable values 


Comparison between CSS in XML and Regular Expressions


It would be very desirable if you can complete these issues in order to
make a comparison.


*	Structure of moki

We are not sure how is the final moki structure in this way. Can you
include a sketch of stylesheets information moki?


*	Structure of Tests

Currently we have two CSS tests (Measures and StyleSheetSupport) running
made in a pure XSLT way based on CSS serialization 

How would be a skeleton of any of CSS test with Regular Expressions? 


*	Line number 

How is reported the line number with this approach?




Received on Tuesday, 7 August 2007 12:21:27 UTC