Tomorrow's Task Force Call

Hi all,
I just wanted to lay out an agenda for some of the things I'd like to
discuss on the call tomorrow. Following at discussion about your September
F2F, I'd really like to hash out the details of our final CSS
implementation. It'd be really great if those who have contributed to the
development of the CSS->XML parser were present.

Here's some of the issues:

1) What is the status of the CSS->XML parser?
         There still isn't support for:
             - recognizing @import tags
             - parsing out the values defined in properties into usable
values (i.e. url() and the actual url, 10px)
         It'd be great to establish how much work this would take to change
before we make final decisions.
2) Discuss arguments for and against testing css with regular expressions
         I've already implemented retrieval of references to other external
stylesheets and images (and just recently added the code to CVS in CSSUtils)

Just for your reference, we'll need to consider:
- external, embedded, and inline style sheets
- external resources
- parsing of dimensions for positioning
- identification of all the elements mentioned in:

3) With some of the additional time I have with my internship, I'm going to
be adding in support for suite level errors. The kinds of errors that will
be included in that list are http request and response errors, like those
outlined in Does
anyone else have recommendations as to what else I should include in these
suite level errors?

If you think there's anything I missed, feel free to send it out on the list
prior to the call.

Thanks and talk to you all tomorrow!


Received on Monday, 6 August 2007 20:50:02 UTC