RE: CSSResourceToDom questions

> I'm working on including resources mentioned in css, and I've come
across > the CSSResourceToDom method in CSSUtils. Can the author of this
method help me answer some questions?

> 1) Why is this method used in EmbeddedCSSResource, but not present in 
> HTTPCSSResource? 

HTTPCSSResource makes a call to CSSResourceToDom in its constructor. At
least in the revision 1.10 (which is the latest in CVS).

> 2) What are the distinct advantages of this approach vs. just using
> text data of the css to get the information we need for the tests?

Basically this approach allow us a more fine-grained processing than
just using regular expressions. Aditionally we can use some existing
tools (SAC parsers) to do part of the work. Besides I think it's easier
using SAC than regular expressions.

> Thanks!

> Cheers,
> Laura

Received on Thursday, 2 August 2007 11:10:30 UTC