Re: Input for target-spacing SC

Just for the record, in my opinion and memory this SC was never about a
target size per se, but clicking on the wrong target adjacent to another
(and so starting out with a 8 px spacing)
So we were never trying to solve too small targets, that was 2.5.5 Target
Size, this was for preventing clicking on the wrong one.

Or did we change that on recent calls and now we want to solve two issues
in one SC?


Op ma 6 apr. 2020 om 12:15 schreef Detlev Fischer <>:

> Hi all,
> Not sure if there is anything I need to do or indeed *can* do to add
> content to the text / images of the target spacing SC.
> It shows up only on the machine where I edited the document (with a red
> frame).
> Find attached a diagram covering some target spacing edge cases which
> should go with the following legend:
> "Figure 3: Targets that are smaller than 44 x 44px (here, a loupe sized
> 25 x 20 px indicating that an image can be magnified in a lightbox view)
> meet the Success Criterion if they have enough adjacent spacing even if
> they are flush with a larger target or even overlap it (here, a blurred
> photographic image of a person). If the small target sits on top of the
> larger target, it is surrounded by an active click area and therefore
> needs to be 44 x 44px (visible size or visible size plus spacing) to
> meet the success criterion."
> Detlev
> --
> Detlev Fischer
> Testkreis
> Werderstr. 34, 20144 Hamburg
> Mobil +49 (0)157 57 57 57 45
> Beratung, Tests und Schulungen für barrierefreie Websites

Received on Monday, 6 April 2020 13:05:57 UTC