Input for target-spacing SC

Hi all,

Not sure if there is anything I need to do or indeed *can* do to add 
content to the text / images of the target spacing SC.
It shows up only on the machine where I edited the document (with a red 

Find attached a diagram covering some target spacing edge cases which 
should go with the following legend:

"Figure 3: Targets that are smaller than 44 x 44px (here, a loupe sized 
25 x 20 px indicating that an image can be magnified in a lightbox view) 
meet the Success Criterion if they have enough adjacent spacing even if 
they are flush with a larger target or even overlap it (here, a blurred 
photographic image of a person). If the small target sits on top of the 
larger target, it is surrounded by an active click area and therefore 
needs to be 44 x 44px (visible size or visible size plus spacing) to 
meet the success criterion."


Detlev Fischer
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Received on Monday, 6 April 2020 10:15:33 UTC