- From: David MacDonald <david100@sympatico.ca>
- Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2017 06:57:17 -0400
- To: "public-mobile-a11y-tf@w3.org" <public-mobile-a11y-tf@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CAAdDpDYS6trnFNDFzKCWf5UsUP+ejPbeVuczd+sW9m6ExkqW+A@mail.gmail.com>
We have two Speech SCs. I think the single key shortcut one is in a good position to be accepted. I've amended it to address concerns from comments without compromising its requirements. > Single-character shortcuts are not used to activate a control, unless a mechanism is available to turn them off or remap them to shortcuts with two or more characters, except on components that are closed on page load and single key shortcuts are not enabled until the component is opened. https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/issues/69 There will probably be some more word smithing as we approach next drafts but I think it has a good chance. The non interference of speech basically says, everything has to work with speech. It is difficult to test, and is basically a functional requirement which is not in line with normal SCs. Comments on it have not been positive. I would like to suggest we withdraw it so as to concentrate our attention on those that have a better chance. Cheers, David MacDonald *Can**Adapt* *Solutions Inc.* Tel: 613.235.4902 LinkedIn <http://www.linkedin.com/in/davidmacdonald100> twitter.com/davidmacd GitHub <https://github.com/DavidMacDonald> www.Can-Adapt.com <http://www.can-adapt.com/> * Adapting the web to all users* * Including those with disabilities* If you are not the intended recipient, please review our privacy policy <http://www.davidmacd.com/disclaimer.html>
Received on Thursday, 6 April 2017 10:57:52 UTC