Minutes of the Mobile Accessibility Task Force meeting of 15 September 2016

HTML Minutes -> https://www.w3.org/2016/09/15-mobile-a11y-minutes.html

Text version of minutes:


       [1] http://www.w3.org/

                                - DRAFT -

              Mobile Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

15 Sep 2016

    See also: [2]IRC log

       [2] http://www.w3.org/2016/09/15-mobile-a11y-irc


           Kathy, Kim, jeanne, Marc, Jatin,




      * [3]Topics
          1. [4]TPAC
          2. [5]M1
          3. [6]M3
      * [7]Summary of Action Items
      * [8]Summary of Resolutions

    <patrick_h_lauke> running a few mins late be right there

    <patrick_h_lauke> M1 -

       [9] https://github.com/w3c/Mobile-A11y-Extension/blob/gh-pages/SCs/m1.md

    <patrick_h_lauke> TPAC: [10]https://www.w3.org/2016/09/TPAC/

      [10] https://www.w3.org/2016/09/TPAC/


    <patrick_h_lauke> correction on the second link - it should be

      [11] https://github.com/w3c/Mobile-A11y-Extension/blob/gh-pages/SCs/m3.md

    <Kim> Kathy: hour and a half session – overview so people can
    see the whole



      [12] https://github.com/w3c/Mobile-A11y-Extension/blob/gh-pages/SCs/m1.md

    kim: How do you feel about the text for M1?

    Kathy: looks good

    Patrick: Very high level, of course things will work with


      [13] https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#keyboard-operation

    Patrick: Only interested in actual functionality than how the
    person is moving the pointer.

    Kathy: The SC text "for instance" should be in the description.
    ... We prbably want a link to glossary terms.

    Kim: Under description it says "ToDo". (Patrick: that will be
    ... remove the word "situations"

    Marc: Do we need specific timings, or is that not applicable?
    ... All functionality can be operated by pointer inputs without
    specific timings?

    Patrick: I talk about the timing stuff in M3, which is Pointer
    Gestures. Probably not necessary to add it here as well.

    Kathy: Benefits, no assistive devices that mimic mouse input,
    and not just keyboard input.
    ... Anything not usable with mouse would actually be blocked on
    such an AT.

    Marc: Also under benefits, helps users of devices without a
    physical keyboard.

    Kim: Right now it's "Ensuring that all functionality can be
    used by pointer input"

    Kim/Patrick: [ Interesting editorial discussion ]

    Kim: Testability looks good to me, any comments...

    Kathy: I think the stuff you have in brackets should be put in
    as a note or a technique.

    Kim: Is this one set?

    Marc: Do we need to find justification/evidence? The benefit is
    clear, do we need supporting evidence?

    Kathy: If we need it, we have it.

    Kim: We could say: " According to direct experience of those in
    the group"


      [14] http://www.rehabmart.com/product/adapted-wireless-computer-mouse-interface-40391.html?gclid=COSB7evXkc8CFYpkhgodgz0FNQ

    Kathy: There were some devices that were no longer mimicking
    keyboard events, but mouse pointer events.


      [15] https://github.com/w3c/Mobile-A11y-Extension/blob/gh-pages/SCs/template.md


      [16] https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/wiki/Proposals-for-new-Success-Criteria

    Patrick: we could write something very generic, like "this is
    obvious" or "from our experience"

    Kim: I think it is useful to have an example so it's
    ... What would an example be?

    Patrick: You can't summon the iOS Keybaord at an arbitrary
    point, you have to be in an editable text field.

    Kim: There's a user that uses an onscreen keyboard, what would
    cause a user to be stuck?

    Patrick: They can't ask for the onscreen keyboard, so if events
    are relied on to happen in a specific way to focus elements,
    and the onscreen keyboard isn't requested, they couldn't get
    the keyboard attached to the screen.

    Kim: Could you add a specific example where if this wasn't
    done, this wouldn't be accessible.
    ... Any other comments on this?


      [17] https://github.com/w3c/Mobile-A11y-Extension/blob/gh-pages/SCs/m3.md

    <patrick_h_lauke> Kim: as many people left, maybe we take a
    high level view

    <patrick_h_lauke> and raise it next time

    <patrick_h_lauke> Kim: question: if one is pointer and one
    pointer gestures is this going to be confusing?

    <patrick_h_lauke> I guess this is a Q for Jeanne

    <patrick_h_lauke> Jeanne: one-word short handles is a problem,
    but WCAG WG doesn't agree with me

    <patrick_h_lauke> that's something the WG will debate

    <patrick_h_lauke> Patrick: for context, the previous SC (M1)
    generically says "must work with a pointer", this one (M3) goes
    further and says "but also don't require precise/timed

    <patrick_h_lauke> Jeanne: both are at Level A, so that may be a
    problem, but we'll leave that discussion for the WG

    <patrick_h_lauke> Kim: so M3 means "NO pointer gestures"

    <patrick_h_lauke> Patrick: agree, changing to "NO pointer
    gestures" makes this clearer

    <patrick_h_lauke> Kim: the notes currently in the SC Text would
    make good examples for the Description if expanded upon

    <patrick_h_lauke> Patrick: removing the TODO bits, which shows
    me that I actually need to generate some benefits and

    <patrick_h_lauke> so more content writing required here

    <patrick_h_lauke> [high-level discussion, minor tweaks, need to
    cross-reference this with the "Touch with AT" SC to make sure
    this is clearly exempted]

    <patrick_h_lauke> Patrick: by the way, all SCs already reviewed
    by the group (as per wiki) are now also in GitHub

      [18] https://github.com/w3c/Mobile-A11y-Extension/tree/gh-pages/SCs

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

    [End of minutes]

Received on Thursday, 15 September 2016 16:26:28 UTC