Re: Inline links with large-enough activation (touch) target (rough idea)

We should add this question and the Patrick's responses to the SC in an
"Working Group Notes" section.

David MacDonald

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On Mon, Nov 14, 2016 at 9:27 AM, Patrick H. Lauke <>

> On 14/11/2016 14:52, David MacDonald wrote:
>> I presented the touch target size proposal to the Toronto accessibility
>> group... their response regarding the 48 vs 24 coarse vs fine point
>> requirements was
>> "How do we know when when we should serve up one vs another. Seems like
>> a difficult thin."g to sniff accurately for give the wide rage of
>> devices..."
>> We'll need to solve that I think...
> Assuming this would then be part of understanding/techniques again,
> following approaches come to mind:
> - seeing that it's not possible to reliably detect a touchscreen, and -
> particularly in multi-input scenarios - it's not easy to know for sure even
> if a touchscreen can be detected whether or not a user will actually use
> that or some other input device instead: unless you are
> designing/developing for a closed system where you know for a fact which
> type of input(s) will be available (e.g. embedded system only to be used
> for touchscreen-enabled point of sales terminals, or a system for content
> only to be used on an ATM style device without touchscreen but with
> physical keyboard-like buttons on the side of the display), developers
> should assume that at some point or other their content/app will be used on
> a touchscreen; see also "when any [...] machine could have a touch
> interface, [...] proceed as if they all do"
> st-that-for-you-zeldman/jason-grigsby-on-design-beyond-
> touch-e862b699d426#.9go7knctr
> - offer the user a mechanism as part of the app/site UI to switch between
> "mouse-friendly" and "touch-friendly" interface. this is the approach that,
> for instance, Microsoft Office 2013 uses (See slide 137
> - use CSS Media Queries Level 4's "any-pointer" feature to ascertain if a
> coarse pointer is present (indicating at least one of the inputs available
> to the user is coarse, e.g. a touchscreen)
> queries-4/ (note my article on using CSS MQ4 detection carefully
>, as well as recent
> discussion on changing the spec to drop the idea of "primary" vs "rare"
> inputs
> - use third-party libraries like
> to detect as soon as a user switches between using a mouse/touchscreen -
> then it's up to the app/site to decide what to do (immediately switch out
> the interface to coarse or fine pointer optimized? present the user with a
> dialog asking if they now want to switch to the type of input that they
> just used? etc)
> P
> --
> Patrick H. Lauke
> |
> |
> twitter: @patrick_h_lauke | skype: patrick_h_lauke

Received on Monday, 14 November 2016 14:56:07 UTC