Re: New SC relating to notifications of content change (was Re: Some thinking around the orientation discussion)

On 09/05/2016 20:18, White, Jason J wrote:
> Actually notifying the user can’t be a requirement, in my view, since
> this is often outside the author’s control and depends on assistive
> technologies.

Fall back on the old "can be programmatically determined"? And as one of 
the sufficient techniques use ARIA live region, plus explanation 
somewhere (Understanding? How to meet?) that simply adding/removing 
things in the DOM is not sufficient, as by default user agents/assistive 
technologies do not notify users of these changes?

Or "a mechanism is available to notify users..."?

Patrick H. Lauke | |
twitter: @patrick_h_lauke | skype: patrick_h_lauke

Received on Monday, 9 May 2016 20:25:22 UTC