Re: Should we require all functionality to be operable with pointer?

On 04/07/2016 12:55, David MacDonald wrote:

Coincidentally, I've said as much in the past.

WCAG assumes that things will work with a mouse (because of course 
that's how developers build it), so that is tacitly taken as the status 
quo which needs to be expanded to then also cover keyboard.

So fundamentally yes, I believe an explicit SC that requires 
functionality/content to be accessible to users with a mouse/other types 
of pointer is needed. This also dovetails with how we expanded our 
proposed touch/activation target SC to cover not just touch targets, but 
general pointer targets too.

Exceptions would include controlled environments where there is no 
mouse/pointer, e.g. a point-of-sales or ATM that only has a (physical or 
on-screen) keyboard.

(Incidentally, this really makes me wish the TFs were set up more along 
the lines of "Input TF", since that's what this really falls under - so 
the "mobile" moniker for this TF is a bit loose).

Patrick H. Lauke | |
twitter: @patrick_h_lauke | skype: patrick_h_lauke

Received on Monday, 4 July 2016 12:05:58 UTC