Comments on proposed new SC 2.5.3

Just taking a minute to think about 2.5.3

Echoing Patrick's advice that we should not focus on touch if the issue is more general, it seems fairly obvious that  "2.5.3 Touch Up Activation" or "2.5.3 Single Taps and Long Presses Revocable" describes an issue that is equally valid for mouse pointer activation.

Which suggests we might draw the boundary wider and rename it to something like SC 2.5.3 "Support undo"

Which contradicts the renaming I have suggested in the last telco. "Touch Up Activation" sounds easier (which is a benefit), but narrowing the issue to touch seems inappropriate for a SC - it would be OK on the level of Technique.

So itf we try to tackle the general issue of supporting undo by not triggering things on touchstart / mouseDown, the question remains wehther it is really inside scope for WCAG.

*All* users benefit from an undoable way of implementing input. 

Do we have a convincing argument that users with motor difficulties benefit more than users in general? It has been pointed out in one of the telcos (I think by Chris) that some may benefit from triggering things on touchdown because they may inadvertently move outside the control before releasing the finger (triggering touchend).

If we have conflicting requirements does this really hold up? David said there are probably 20 times as many users benefitting from activation on touchend than there are from benefitting form touchdown activation. Even it that is true, I am still not sure that there is a convincuing argument that this is a genuine accessiblity issue, not a general usability issue.

Technical note:

The link in "FM001 - Content or functionality not available by touch gesture when platform assistive technology is active" links to a F with a different title. The issue hinted at in the link title is  no longer appropriate (because it covers an issue where AT is turned on)


Detlev Fischer
testkreis c/o feld.wald.wiese
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Kathy Wahlbin schrieb am 14.04.2016 15:10:

> The next Mobile A11y Taskforce meeting will be this Thursday, April 14 at 11 AM Eastern  (Length: 1 hour). For your local time, please use World Clock: <> .
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> Agenda
> 1.       Finalizing Mobile Touch & Pointer guideline and success criteria
> 2.       Next Steps
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> Interactive Accessibility
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