Re: Tweak 2.5.3


On Fri, Apr 1, 2016 at 11:59 AM, Gregg Vanderheiden <> wrote:

> The WCAG used the following formulation   (if this is helpful to you )
> The SC needs to be met by the web page  with the assumption that the user
> is using commonly available AT and access features commonly available in
> browsers.
> The "programmatically determined” phrase is key to the AT support.
> Anything where the SC addressed a problem through AT - the term
> programmatically determined was use to cover both AT and access features in
> browsers.
> *gregg*
> On Apr 1, 2016, at 10:40 AM, Chris McMeeking <>
> wrote:
> You're correct, it is very relevant.  However, not when considering
> whether a success criteria is a criteria or not.  But, whether or not such
> a criteria is enforced on a given platform in a given situation, etc.  If
> you want to go out there and test every criteria against all combinations
> of browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer (6, 7, 8, 9))
> against all possible ATs (Jaws, NVDA, VoiceOver, ChromeVox, TalkBack,
> VoiceOver (iOS)) you are never going to have 100% compliance.  Are you
> suggesting we scrap all of WCag because nobody can possible conform?
> On Fri, Apr 1, 2016 at 11:28 AM, Patrick H. Lauke <>
> wrote:
>> On 01/04/2016 16:03, Chris McMeeking wrote:
>>> The user agent vs AT vs webpage/app as the "responsible party" for a
>>> conformance to a criteria I find irrelevant as it pertains to the
>>> formation of a criteria.  Saying that the user agent "should be
>>> responsible" is all fine.  That doesn't mean that it's not part of the
>>> criteria.
>> But as the criteria are part of the Web Content guidelines, meaning that
>> they're the responsibility of the web content developer to ensure, it IS
>> relevant - if these are things that are simply out of the developer's
>> control, or issues relating to global settings (which I don't believe can
>> be successfully mandated for each and every site/app, or they'll simply be
>> ignored), developers will not be able to satisfy the SC. Then what?
>> P
>> --
>> Patrick H. Lauke
>> |
>> |
>> twitter: @patrick_h_lauke | skype: patrick_h_lauke

Received on Friday, 1 April 2016 17:48:52 UTC