Rough draft of some success criteria for a extension guideline "Touch accessible"

Hi folks,
This is my first shot at possible success criteria for a new WCAG extension guideline "Touch Accessible" under Principe 2 Operable. The one SC I was actually asked to draft is what I provisionally called "2.5.3 Single Taps and Long Presses Revocable". I found it easier to also sketch some other obvious SCs to see where this one might fit.

Guideline 2.5 Touch Accessible: Make all functionality available via touch.

2.5.1 Touch: All functionality of the content is operable through touch gestures. (Level A) 

2.5.2 Single Taps and Long Presses Revocable: Interface elements that require a single tap or a long press as input will only trigger the corresponding event when the finger is lifted inside that element. (Level A)

2.5.3 Modified Touch: When touch input behavior is modified by built-in assistive technology, all functionality of the content is still operable through touch gestures. (Level A)

2.5.4 No Swipe Trap: When touch input behavior is modified by built-in assistive technology so that touch focus can be moved to a component of the page using swipe gestures, then focus can be moved away from that component using swipe gestures or the user is advised of the method for moving focus away. (Level A)


2.5.5 Touch Target Size: One dimension of any touch target measures at least 9 mm except when the user has reduced the default scale of content. (Level AA)

2.5.6 Touch Target Clearance: The center of each touch target has a distance of at least 9 mm from the center of any other touch target, except when the user has reduced the default scale of content. (Level AA)

Detlev Fischer
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Received on Friday, 24 July 2015 09:50:18 UTC