RE: BBC-WCAG2/UAAG2 comparison

Most smartphone platforms also have a platform level text-size setting that any app, can choose to respect or not. For example, the BBC news native app.

I don't think this info is yet available to mobile web content via media queries but presumably it could one day.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jonathan Avila []
> Sent: March-07-14 2:49 PM
> To: Richards, Jan;
> Subject: RE: BBC-WCAG2/UAAG2 comparison
> JR:  1.4.4 Resize text: Except for captions and images of text, text can be
> resized without assistive technology up to 200 percent without loss of
> content or functionality.
> - so an app could conceivably suppress platform zoom, but provide its own
> zoom.
> [jda] There are two types of zoom on a mobile device - 1) pinch zoom in the
> browser that websites can block.  It would be unlikely but possible that
> websites could create its own.  This is what I was thinking of.  Then there
> zooming capabilities in apps like maps, or eBook readers, etc.  2) There is also
> the zoom feature which is an assistive technology.  The BBC standard and the
> WCAG techniques are not aimed at the assistive technology feature as that
> would be caught under the conformance requirements -- they are only
> aimed at allowing pinch zoom of up to 200% in the browser.
> I was looking for guidance in the Applying WCAG to Non-web ICT document
> and didn't see a lot of help in this area.  Clearly the SC doesn't require all
> mobile apps to resize without assistive technology-- but this definitely would
> apply to content areas like documents, webviews, maps, etc.  So we'll have
> to find a way to provide techniques or failures but limit the scope to things
> that act like browsers.
> Jonathan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richards, Jan []
> Sent: Friday, March 07, 2014 1:07 PM
> To: Jonathan Avila;
> Subject: RE: BBC-WCAG2/UAAG2 comparison
> Hi Jonathan,
> Thanks for the reply. I have updated the file and re-attached. A few
> comments labelled JR:
> > Repeated links to the same resource must be contained within the same
> > link [jda] This relates to H2: Combining adjacent image and text links
> > for the same resource
> JR: H2:
> I agree that this is a good thing for usability, but I don't think there is a
> WCAG2 SC that requires it.
> > Labels must be placed close to the controls, and be laid out
> > appropriately [jda] This relates to understanding SC 3.3.2 Benefits "
> > Field labels located in close proximity to the associated field assist
> > users of screen magnifiers because the field and label are more likely
> > to visible within the magnified area of the page."
> JR: Added.
> > Where zoom is supported on the platform it must not be suppressed.
> > You indicated this as indirectly related.
> > [jda] I feel this is directly related to SC 1.4.4 not just indirectly
> > -- that was the intention when we wrote the BBC standards.
> JR:  1.4.4 Resize text: Except for captions and images of text, text can be
> resized without assistive technology up to 200 percent without loss of
> content or functionality.
> - so an app could conceivably suppress platform zoom, but provide its own
> zoom.
> > Standard operating system alerts must be used where available [jda]
> > This may relate to SCR18: Providing client-side validation and alert
> JR: It could, but nothing is said about platform alerts as the mechanism.
> Of course web content doesn't have direct access to operating system
> mechanism, which is why I put in the relevant UAAG2 SC.
> > Audio must not play automatically unless the user is made aware this
> > is happening or a pause/stop button is provided @Issue: WCAG2
> > addresses control, but not auto-play:
> > [jda] I believe these are saying the same thing -- some of the WCAG
> > techniques for Silverlight and Flash talk about turning off auto play.
> JR: The techniques do talk about it, I just meant that WCAG doesn't require it
> as the BBC doc does. Again, this is why I added a UAAG2
> SC...UAAG2 explicitly covers audio players.
> Cheers,
> Jan
> > Best Regards,
> >
> > Jonathan
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Richards, Jan []
> > Sent: Friday, March 07, 2014 9:59 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: BBC-WCAG2/UAAG2 comparison
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I have attached a document that attempts to map the BBC mobile
> > guidelines to WCAG2 and UAAG2, where relevant.
> >
> > I'm hoping that if we get permission from the BBC to use their
> > techniques that this document can help place them.
> >
> > Unfortunately, I need to give regrets for today's meeting due to a
> conflict.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Jan
> >
> >
> >
> > T 416 977 6000 x3957
> > F 416 977 9844
> > E

Received on Friday, 7 March 2014 20:02:35 UTC