Re: What to do about newlines in attribute values?

On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 2:24 PM, John Cowan <> wrote:

> David Lee scripsit:
> > If we allow newlines in attributes, what is the case for being
> > incompatible with XML in the data model for attributes (i.e. maintaining
> > the newlines instead of turning to spaces)
> It's straightforward: you put characters in an attribute value, you get
> the same characters out, just as in element content.  No special rules or
> explanations are needed.


And I want to reiterate that for me the compatibility goal means all
MicroXML docs are WF XML.  I don not think we should be constrained to have
a fully backward compatible data model, though I agree we should carefully
consider each DM incompatibility we introduce (as we're doing in this case).

We already thought seriously about introducing a DM
backwards-incompatibility, when discussing whether we should have PIs
allowed only in the prologue, but attach those PIs as information items to
the root element, rather than create a document item and use that.  I think
the reason we scrapped that approach was not because
of backwards-incompatibility but because of the hard-fought agreement that
it's simplest just to ditch PIs altogether.

For me, as John puts it above nicely, the simplicity argument favors
allowing newlines but with no normalization.

Uche Ogbuji             
Founding Partner, Zepheira

Received on Friday, 14 September 2012 20:31:47 UTC