Re: 9. Are > characters allowed in attribute values?

On Tue, 2012-09-04 at 18:19 -0400, John Cowan wrote:

> Most of the work that canonicalizers do is about (shudder!) namespaces.
> The average XML document when canonicalized will *not* be a MicroXML
> document, so I think we can let that connection go.

I thought that the point Jams was making (although I should let him
speak for himself) was that a canonicalized µXML document should still
be a µXML document.

Forbidding > in attribute values would potentially break that.


Liam Quin - XML Activity Lead, W3C,
Pictures from old books:
Ankh: freenode/#xml
Co-author, "Head First Namespaces" Volumes I and II, due 1st April 2097

Received on Thursday, 6 September 2012 00:14:28 UTC