Re: 4. Are PIs allowed?

On 04/09/2012 05:01, Liam R E Quin wrote:
> On Mon, 2012-09-03 at 21:33 -0400, John Cowan wrote:
>> 4. Are PIs allowed?  This is the most controversial remaining item.
>> Everyone seems to agree that limiting them to start-tag format would be
>> a Good Thing.  I see three positions:
>>      A:  No PIs.
>>      B:  No PIs except in the prolog.
>>      C: PIs everywhere, as in XML.
> I think they should be allowed and should not be in the data model.

It's not perfect but I think I am coming to this view as well (which 
basically also aligns with html5 "bogus comment" usage.)  Allowing it in 
the syntax allows micro-xml editing tools to create documents using 
<?xml-stylesheet or <?php or whatever which is possibly a good thing, 
even if it takes a full xml processing system to process the PIs.


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