Re: The dogs bark, but the caravan moves on

>> Well, I absolutely agree that bottom-up work is required, either by
>> the CG as a whole, or by its members individually, or by third
>> parties -- preferably all at once.  But given James's experience with
>> RELAX NG (bottom-up) vs. XML Schema (top-down) adoption, I'd guess
>> he'd be in favor of as much top-down push as we can get.  I certainly
>> am, and I trust the XML Core WG not to make a botch of things (I've
>> been a member since its founding in 1999).
> But perhaps a more relevant analogy might be xml 1.1 where it's not
> clear that having the W3C REC stamp really had any noticeable affect on
> the rate of adoption.

Regarding adoption, a killer app could perhaps be a 'MicroDOM' it if
offered memory savings compared to the traditional DOM for the same
input XML...

Andrew Welch

Received on Monday, 19 November 2012 17:57:30 UTC