Re: Names beginning with "xml"

On 16/08/2012 19:20, John Cowan wrote:
> David Lee scripsit:
>> To get close to achieving the new goal of some reasonable attempt
>> at a data model compatibility, we need to define the relationship
>> between uXML Names and XML(+NS) QNames. The simpliest in my mind is
>> to ban colons and make uXML Name == XML+NS QName.Localname
> Things should be as simple as possible, but no simpler.
>> Why is it so important to complicate the spec to allow xml: in
>> attributes if we assign no semantics to it ?
> The level of complication is trivial: a rule that says
> attribute-name :== element-name | "xml:" element-name
> is all you need.  And that way, MicroXML users need not invent new
> conventions for element identification, language identification,
> whitespace control, and base URI specification.

This last statement is only true if the micro-xml data model is going to
include properties for whitespace control and the other things.

If micro-xml is sold as a simple data model with a simple language but
most of the spec is describing the extra rules relating to features of
the language not supported by the data model and require augmented specs
from the full xml stack, then something has gone terribly wrong.

If micro xml users need not invent new conventions for whitespace
control and can go xml:space="preserve" then the micro xml data model
had better have properties on text nodes to say that that are or are not
ignorable white space.


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Received on Thursday, 16 August 2012 21:00:33 UTC