Re: Names beginning with "xml"

David Lee scripsit:

> Will the same xpaths return the same result set as say an uXML xpath
> processor ? In particular will
> //*[xml:id = "abc123"]
> or the equivalent xslt match expression ... be the same in an XML,
> XML+NS , uXML processor ?

I think so for XPath 1.0, provided you don't try to use the local-name()
function.  I'm not familiar enough with XPath 2.0 to say for sure.

> If that passes the Turing test then I think we can claim a reasonable
> data model compatibility.  But more important to me a *user
> expectation* compatibility.


> I am fairly certain that by completely eliminating colons then the
> proposal so far would work for all simple names.  But will it work
> with the above ? I think it might but not sure.

How could it?  If you ban colons in names (option #1), "xml:id" can't be
a MicroXML name at all.  That's the situation I want to avoid.

I'm willing to give up arbitrary prefixes because of the pain they induce
when trying to keep XML+namespace compatibility, but that doesn't apply
to the "xml:" prefix.

Principles.  You can't say A is         John Cowan <>
made of B or vice versa.  All mass
is interaction.  --Richard Feynman

Received on Thursday, 16 August 2012 18:58:40 UTC