Re: MicroXML design goals

On 14/08/2012 16:40, John Cowan wrote:
> Uche Ogbuji scripsit:
>> I propose that the next iteration MicroXML draft cover just
>> xml:lang and xml:space.  I don't want to discard xml:id and
>> xml:base, but I think these belong in a separate layer, and even if
>> they are added to the core we can argue doing so in a later
>> iteration.
> I disagree entirely.  xml:id and xml:base are much more important
> than xml:space, which is mostly superseded by the space-handling
> facilities of XSLT.  In particular, we should encourage document and
> schema authors to use xml:id from day one, making it the de facto
> standard for element identification in MicroXML documents.

I'd agree with Uche here that starting small and adding things as the
spec develops is a good policy. Any language that is trying to keep
things simple (or similar to xhtml) is far more likely to use id than
xml:id so encouraging people to use the attribute name xml:id but
without mandating that micro-xml processors actually treat it as an ID
doesn't seem particularly useful.

I'd propose to start with the grammar James posted earlier today which
banned colons.

> I think the idea of xml:space was that it would be put into the XHTML
> DTD so that XHTML processors could determine by its presence which
> elements preserved space without needing hard-coded knowledge.  In
> the end, neither DTDs nor XHTML have been winners.
>> For one thing, if we talk xml:base in the spec we would probably
>> want to add a baseuri property on the element model, and ditto for
>> an id property re xml:id.  It would be nice to avoid that.
> Those are convenience or (less politely) junk properties.  We
> shouldn't put anything into the data model that's not logically
> required.



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