Re: MicroXML design goals

On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 10:06 PM, John Cowan <> wrote:
> James Clark scripsit:
>> I would want MicroXML documents to be able to include xml:lang
>> attributes, but personally I would prefer MicroXML not to include a
>> specification xml:lang.
> I originally thought so too, but I think it follows from the goal (which
> is not written down, but which both of us have assumed from the start)
> that the MicroXML spec be self-contained.

I am not sure I see how it follows (assuming we are allowing prefixed
attributes generally). From the MicroXML perspective, what's special
about the "xml:" attribute prefix?  Can we not treat it as just
another prefix?


Received on Tuesday, 14 August 2012 15:15:32 UTC