looking to join the group as a non-tech participant, academic at social sciences

Dear sirs/madams,

How do you do? Firstly, let me congratulate you on the newly created "METAVERSE INTEROPERABILITY COMMUNITY GROUP" under the W3 flagship.

Certainly these integrative, non-proprietary platforms are going to be a necessary stakeholder, amid rampant tech monopolies, in the years to come. The Swiss are on the same path, I believe?

In any case, I am interested in keeping in touch with as many groups as possible, being an academic in the social and mktg/economic sciences, therefore I would like to see if there are still open spots for late comers in the group, or if there is a match for the likes of me- that is because have not any tech or programming background, my focus being the dynamics of value generated by the diffusion and adoption of technology at the individual and organizational levels.

I am slowly building my own research network with personal contacts, and hope to contribute along the way.


Mathias Carvalho
Doutorando - DBA

Celular: 011 9 8448 4646
E-mail: mathias.carvalho@rennes-sb.com<mailto:mathias.carvalho@rennes-sb.com>

Received on Thursday, 2 December 2021 08:00:46 UTC