Meeting Monday 12th April 21h00 UTC

Hello everyone


Our next meeting
10412T210000) is on Monday 12th April at 21h00 UTC. Please note that as a
result of daylight savings adjustments in both hemispheres, the call may now
be at a different LOCAL time for you. In particular, the meeting is now an
hour later for many participants in the northern hemisphere and an hour
earlier in the southern hemisphere. I've attached a meeting invitation which
I hope will negotiate the time zone differences for you in the calendaring
app of your choice. 


On Monday we're going to take a look at Secure Payment Confirmation - a
recent innovation that Stripe and Google have been experimenting with, and
which might have a big positive impact on shoppers completing authentication
journeys - early findings suggest an 8% improvement in completion and a 65%
reduction in time taken to complete authentication compared with 3DS2.





Chair: Mel O'Brien

Regrets: John O'Brien


1.	Actions Arising from minutes (last meeting minutes can be found at
2.	Secure Payment Confirmation - what does it mean for Merchants?
3.	Group calendar (
4.	Scheduling - possible move to alternating schedule to accommodate
multiple continents
5.	Topics of the day


Looking forward to seeing you all



Received on Friday, 9 April 2021 09:32:33 UTC