Re[2]: CfC: Republish MSE and EME registry entries

All specs were published a couple of weeks ago, together with EME and 
the HDCP version registry. See summary at:


------ Original message ------
From "Chris Needham" <>
To: "Greg Freedman" <>; "Xiaohan Wang (王消寒)" 
Cc : "Joey Parrish" <>; "" 
Date : 01/07/2024 15:30:27

>This CfC has now closed. As there were no objections, we can go ahead 
>and publish these documents.
>Many thanks,
>Chris (for the Media WG co-chairs)
>From: Greg Freedman <>
>Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2024 7:48 PM
>To: Xiaohan Wang (王消寒) <>
>Cc: Chris Needham <>; Joey Parrish 
>Subject: Re: CfC: Republish MSE and EME registry entries
>External: Think before clicking
>I support publication of the proposed MSE and EME registries.
>On Tue, Jun 18, 2024 at 2:29 PM Xiaohan Wang (王消寒) <> 
>>I support publication of the MSE and EME registries and registrations 
>>as proposed.
>>On Tue, Jun 18, 2024 at 10:21 AM Chris Needham 
>><> wrote:
>>>Thanks, that’s a good point. The changes are mostly procedural, e.g., 
>>>document status, names of editors, fixing links where there are 
>>>references to other specs.
>>>Here are links to compare the latest drafts with those currently 
>>>published on /TR:
>>>MSE WebM Byte Stream Format (this one has a more substantial change):
>>>MSE ISOBMFF Byte Stream Format
>>>MSE MP2T Byte Stream Format
>>>MSE MPEG Audio Byte Stream Format
>>>EME CENC Init Data Format
>>>EME Keyids Init Data Format
>>>EME WebM Init Data Format
>>>EME Common Encryption for ISOBMFF Stream Format
>>>EME WebM Stream Format
>>>From: Xiaohan Wang ( 王消寒) <>
>>>Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2024 4:28 PM
>>>To: Joey Parrish <>
>>>Cc: Chris Needham <>;
>>>Subject: Re: CfC: Republish MSE and EME registry entries
>>>External: Think before clicking
>>>Hello Chris,
>>>Thank you for driving this work to move MSE/EME forward!
>>>One quick question. Is there a way to see what has been changed in 
>>>these registries? Or is this mostly a process change?
>>>On Fri, Jun 14, 2024 at 9:45 AM Joey Parrish <> 
>>>>I support publication of the MSE and EME registries and 
>>>>registrations as proposed
>>>>On Fri, Jun 14, 2024 at 9:01 AM Chris Needham 
>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>Dear all,
>>>>>The Media Source Extensions Byte Stream Format Registry, Encrypted 
>>>>>Media Extensions Initialization Data Format Registry, Encrypted 
>>>>>Media Extensions Stream Format Registry, and associated registry 
>>>>>entries have not been updated on <> since 
>>>>>2016, which means they don’t reflect the latest changes made to the 
>>>>>Editor’s drafts.
>>>>>This is a call for consensus to (a) publish the following 
>>>>>registries on the W3C Registry Track [1]:
>>>>>* Media Source Extensions Byte Stream Format Registry
>>>>>* Encrypted Media Extensions Initialization Data Format Registry
>>>>>* Encrypted Media Extensions Stream Format Registry
>>>>>(b) publish the registry entries on the W3C Note Track [2]:
>>>>>* MSE Byte Stream Formats:
>>>>>   *
>>>>>   *
>>>>>   *
>>>>>   * 
>>>>>* EME Initialization Data Formats:
>>>>>   * 
>>>>>   * 
>>>>>   * 
>>>>>* EME Stream Formats:
>>>>>   * 
>>>>>   * 
>>>>>and (c) set up auto-publication, so changes to these documents also 
>>>>>update the published versions on
>>>>>The CfC will last for two weeks, ending on 28th Jun. Please reply 
>>>>>to this email and state one of the following:
>>>>>* I support publication of the MSE and EME registries and 
>>>>>registrations as proposed
>>>>>* I object to publication of the MSE and EME registries and 
>>>>>registrations (please detail your concerns)
>>>>>Many thanks,
>>>>>Chris (for the Media WG co-chairs)

Received on Thursday, 1 August 2024 09:22:28 UTC