Privacy/Security review comments on draft Media WG charter

Hi Media WG participants,

The charter of the Media WG expires at the end of May, and the group 
needs to be re-chartered. The updated draft charter is at:

I'd like to draw your attention to three issues raised during 
privacy/security review of the draft charter that need to be resolved 
before we can move forward.

- First one is around clarifying the requirements around fingerprinting 
guidance, and calling out mitigation:

Some text was integrated in the success criteria section already to call 
out mitigation strategies, with a pending pull request to further 
clarify the text:

- Second one is around documenting architectural alternatives to weigh 
pros and cons with regards to the fingerprinting surface, and seek 
horizontal review when a choice is made:

The issue contains possible text that could be incorporated in the draft 

- Third one is around the current plan to handle access to the EME 
extension to find existing sessions:

I'd appreciate if you could look into these issues and either comment on 
them directly or get in touch with me to share your thoughts.


Received on Wednesday, 7 April 2021 09:58:37 UTC