W3C TPAC meetings

Hi M&E IG, Media WG, and Timed Text WG members,

This is a reminder for the upcoming TPAC meetings organized by Media & Entertainment Interest Group.

These include:

- Joint meeting between Timed Text WG, M&E IG, and Media WG (Thursday 15th Oct)
- Joint meeting between WebRTC WC and M&E IG (Friday 16th Oct)
- Joint meeting between M&E IG and Color on the Web CG (Monday 19th Oct)
- Two M&E IG meetings, covering:
  - Topics from CTA WAVE (Monday 19th Oct)
  - Hybridcast (Tuesday 20th / Wednesday 21st Oct; check local time zone)
  - The future of media pipeline in browsers (Tuesday 20th / Wednesday 21st Oct; check local time zone)

You can find schedule and agenda details here:


Please join if you can!

Best regards,

Chris (Co-chair, Media & Entertainment Interest Group)

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Received on Monday, 12 October 2020 14:06:20 UTC