Media Working Group Teleconference - 2020-05-12


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   - w3c/media-wg#13 TPAC F2F 2020
   <> - mounirlamouri

*Should we meet at the TPAC F2F if it happens? For how long? Should we host
a WebCodecs discussion?*

   - w3c/picture-in-picture#172 Rename CSS pseudo-class :picture-in-picture
   <> - beaufortfrancois

*One way of thinking about the future of the Picture-in-Picture Web API is
the ability to actually move an HTML element from a web page to a
Picture-in-Picture window. In that case, the `:picture-in-picture` CSS
pseudo-class name would be confusing for web developers as it would be hard
to differentiate the web page element and the one in the Picture-in-Picture

   - Autoplay API: update on API shape and editors

   - w3c/media-capabilities#152 Discuss how to reconcile colorGamut &
   transferFunction with ISO 23001-8:2016
   <> - vi-dot-cpp

*Hi everyone. chcunningham@ and I would like to (re)open up discussion with
respect to how MediaCapabilities.decodingInfo() should handle discrepancies
between colorGamut & transferFunction input and and the color information
implicit in mime types like VP9 and AV1. *

   - TextTrackCue: add optional event synchronisation

*A proposal to add recommended timing accuracy for TextTrackCue event
synchronization (either as note or a 'should'):
<>. With implementation changes
to Chromium currently in progress, I think all major browser engines now
achieve the recommended timing accuracy in practice.*

   - TextTrackCue: add unbounded duration

*A proposed change to allow TextTrackCues with unbounded duration:

*Media Working Group Teleconference - 2020-05-12*San Francisco (U.S.A. -
California)     Tuesday, May 12, 2:00 PM PDT
Boston (U.S.A. - Massachusetts)        Tuesday, May 12, 5:00 PM EDT
London (United Kingdom - England)   Tuesday, May 12, 10:00 PM GMT+1
Paris (France)                                      Tuesday, May 12, 11:00
Tokyo (Japan)                                      Wednesday, May 13, 6:00
Corresponding UTC (GMT)                 Tuesday, May 12, 9:00 PM UTC


Chairs: Jer Noble, Mounir Lamouri
IRC: #mediawg

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Received on Monday, 11 May 2020 23:10:58 UTC