RE: Checking what features could be 'at risk'

Hi Eric, all,


In the last email, I said I could implement the following test cases:


- TC0025-UA (clock) (100%)

- TC0026-UA (clock) (100%)

- TC0023-UA (SMPTE) (if TC gets approved) (100%)


I think I need to make it clear that what I am trying to do is simply use
embedding player's javascript APIs to set the start and end time of the
playing. The implementation actually has nothing to do with lower level
media APIs. The player itself doesn't support SMPET or Clock. Many thanks.



Yunjia Li 


PhD Student & Research Fellow

Web and Internet Science Group

School of Electronics and Computer Science 

The University of Southampton 

Southampton SO17 1BJ


From: Erik Mannens [] 
Sent: 23 November 2011 17:14
To: Yunjia Li; Media Fragment
Subject: Checking what features could be 'at risk'


Dear all (but especially implementors Chris, Davy, Tom, Yunjia),



To go to REC, all features need 2 implementations. As one can see now in the
current implementation report [1], the following features are likely of
being removed to an additional 'note' (as was done with the server-side
impl): track, id, and SMPTE & clock for t


Please, as an implementor, provide before this friday 25/11 per Test Case
what the likelihood (the options are . 0%, 50%, 100%) is that an
implementation could be made by mid december 2011:


- TC0021-UA (SMPTE)

- TC0025-UA (clock)

- TC0026-UA (clock)

- TC0056-UA (track)

- TC0057-UA (track)

- TC0060-UA (track)

- TC0096-UA (track)


- TC0023-UA (SMPTE) (if TC gets approved)

- TC0099-UA (SMPTE) (if TC gets approved)

- TC0100-UA (SMPTE) (if TC gets approved)

- TC0101-UA (id) (if TC gets approved)

- TC0102-UA (id) (if TC gets approved)





Sincere greetings,
Erik Mannens, PhD
Research Unit Leader - Future Media & Imaging Dept.
Ghent University - IBBT

Faculty of Engineering and Architecture

Dept. ELIS - MMLab

Gaston Crommenlaan 8 bus 201
B-9050 Ledeberg-Ghent, Belgium
T: +32 9 331 49 93
F: +32 9 331 48 96
M: +32 473 27 44 17


Received on Thursday, 24 November 2011 10:15:40 UTC