RE: Checking what features could be 'at risk'

Hi all,


The likelihood from my case is:


- TC0021-UA (SMPTE) (0%)

- TC0025-UA (clock) (100%)

- TC0026-UA (clock) (100%)

- TC0056-UA (track)  (0%)

- TC0057-UA (track) (0%)

- TC0060-UA (track) (0%)

- TC0096-UA (track) (0%)


- TC0023-UA (SMPTE) (if TC gets approved) (100%)

- TC0099-UA (SMPTE) (if TC gets approved) (0%)

- TC0100-UA (SMPTE) (if TC gets approved) (0%)

- TC0101-UA (id) (if TC gets approved) (0%)

- TC0102-UA (id) (if TC gets approved) (0%)


The TC0023-UA is already implemented and I will add the clock format very
soon. Hopefully I can finish it before the end of this month. Many thanks.



Yunjia Li



PhD Student & Research Fellow

Web and Internet Science Group

School of Electronics and Computer Science 

The University of Southampton 

Southampton SO17 1BJ


From: Erik Mannens [] 
Sent: 23 November 2011 17:14
To: Yunjia Li; Media Fragment
Subject: Checking what features could be 'at risk'


Dear all (but especially implementors Chris, Davy, Tom, Yunjia),



To go to REC, all features need 2 implementations. As one can see now in the
current implementation report [1], the following features are likely of
being removed to an additional 'note' (as was done with the server-side
impl): track, id, and SMPTE & clock for t


Please, as an implementor, provide before this friday 25/11 per Test Case
what the likelihood (the options are . 0%, 50%, 100%) is that an
implementation could be made by mid december 2011:


- TC0021-UA (SMPTE)

- TC0025-UA (clock)

- TC0026-UA (clock)

- TC0056-UA (track)

- TC0057-UA (track)

- TC0060-UA (track)

- TC0096-UA (track)


- TC0023-UA (SMPTE) (if TC gets approved)

- TC0099-UA (SMPTE) (if TC gets approved)

- TC0100-UA (SMPTE) (if TC gets approved)

- TC0101-UA (id) (if TC gets approved)

- TC0102-UA (id) (if TC gets approved)





Sincere greetings,
Erik Mannens, PhD
Research Unit Leader - Future Media & Imaging Dept.
Ghent University - IBBT

Faculty of Engineering and Architecture

Dept. ELIS - MMLab

Gaston Crommenlaan 8 bus 201
B-9050 Ledeberg-Ghent, Belgium
T: +32 9 331 49 93
F: +32 9 331 48 96
M: +32 473 27 44 17


Received on Wednesday, 23 November 2011 18:10:25 UTC