Re: Concerns about backwards compatibility of media fragments

On 5/8/11 12:47 AM, Silvia Pfeiffer wrote:
> Are you part of the SVG working group?

No, I'm just an implementor trying to make sense of what I'm supposed to 
do here (in particular, I've just started looking at the media fragment 
thing, so while I understand the SVG end pretty well, having implemented 
it, my understanding of the other side is still pretty embryonic).

> If not, this is probably a good time to start talking to somebody involved in the SVG WG to find out
> what their plans are for conformance on these urls etc. and start some
> analysis.

I agree that needs to happen.  Is there someone on the media fragment 
working group who can talk to them?


Received on Sunday, 8 May 2011 16:06:17 UTC