- From: Raphaël Troncy <raphael.troncy@eurecom.fr>
- Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2011 10:57:18 +0100
- To: Media Fragment <public-media-fragment@w3.org>
Dear all, The minutes of today's phone telecon are available for review at http://www.w3.org/2011/03/23-mediafrag-minutes.html (and in text format below). The short executive summary is: - Tables for reviewing test cases for UA (http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Fragments/TC/ua-test-cases) and Server (http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Fragments/TC/server-test-cases) are ready. There are built from rdf files - Suggest to dedicate April 6 telecon to review those tables with EVERYBODY - Suggest to organize a telecon with Adisson to solve ISSUE-17 - Suggest to organize a telecon with Bernhard Haslofer to solve ISSUE-21 - No telecon next week due to WWW 2011 in India Best regards, Raphaël --------------- [1]W3C [1] http://www.w3.org/ Media Fragments Working Group Teleconference 23 Mar 2011 [2]Agenda [2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-media-fragment/2011Mar/0027.html See also: [3]IRC log [3] http://www.w3.org/2011/03/23-mediafrag-irc Attendees Present Yves, Davy, Thomas, Raphael, Philip_(irc) Regrets Erik Chair Raphael Scribe Raphael Contents * [4]Topics 1. [5]1. Admin 2. [6]2. HTML5 Bugs 3. [7]3. WhatWG Liaison 4. [8]4. Test Cases 5. [9]5. Other ISSUES 6. [10]6. AOB * [11]Summary of Action Items _________________________________________________________ <trackbot> Date: 23 March 2011 <scribe> scribe: Raphael <scribe> scribenick: raphael 1. Admin PROPOSED to accept the minutes of the last week telecon, [12]http://www.w3.org/2011/03/16-mediafrag-minutes.html [12] http://www.w3.org/2011/03/16-mediafrag-minutes.html +1 <Yves> +1 <davy> +1 minutes accepted ACTION-205? <trackbot> ACTION-205 -- Silvia Pfeiffer to send the MF clarification text to the HTML mailinglist -- due 2010-12-15 -- CLOSED <trackbot> [13]http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Fragments/tracker/actions/205 [13] http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Fragments/tracker/actions/205 <tomayac> +1 ACTION-215? <trackbot> ACTION-215 -- Erik Mannens to poke people and encourage them to join the telecons -- due 2011-03-23 -- OPEN <trackbot> [14]http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Fragments/tracker/actions/215 [14] http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Fragments/tracker/actions/215 Davy ??? <tomayac> yeah, phone is dead <tomayac> hearing now <Yves> nobody can hear you raphae <tomayac> raphaël muted again :-( <tomayac> yes 2. HTML5 Bugs ACTION-213? <trackbot> ACTION-213 -- Silvia Pfeiffer to submit the proposed list of bugs to HTML5 -- due 2011-03-23 -- OPEN <trackbot> [15]http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Fragments/tracker/actions/213 [15] http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Fragments/tracker/actions/213 <scribe> ... pending? 3. WhatWG Liaison Hixie sugestion: [16]http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2011Mar/0436.htm l [16] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2011Mar/0436.html scribe: related to the MultiTrack API, and issue 152, [17]http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/152 ... the main questions for Philip: is there consensus for this proposal in the WG? [17] http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/152 4. Test Cases Davy: test cases for the spatial dimension have been added yesterday ... Philip has also proposed some nasty test cases, that will be added next week to the suite ... the unit tests are also based on Thomas test cases from his js implementation ... I'm considering also test cases for the track dimension ... regarding the automatic test cases framework, it should be ready by next week to test <davy> [18]http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Fragments/TC/ua-test-cases [18] http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Fragments/TC/ua-test-cases Davy: I encourage you to use Chrome because there is a lot of javascript <davy> [19]http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Fragments/TC/ua-test-cases#TC000 3-UA [19] http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Fragments/TC/ua-test-cases#TC0003-UA Davy: each test case has its own URI ... this page is made for reviewing the test cases! ... the last column is the status from the group <tomayac> the uris of the test cases are not exposed to the ui, are they? Davy: we should review them and correct them if necessary ... good point, I will put those links in the HTML version from the first column ... it is also read only <davy> [20]http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Fragments/TC/ua-test-cases.rdf [20] http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Fragments/TC/ua-test-cases.rdf Davy: generated from the rdf version <davy> [21]http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Fragments/TC/server-test-cases [21] http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Fragments/TC/server-test-cases Davy: another tool will enable to launch a test suite over a particular implementation, should be ready in 2 weeks from now Raphael: summary, we have two large tables to review ... built from two rdf files <tomayac> fsck, the connection seems too slow, raphael is almost ununderstandable <tomayac> terminator voice? raphael has a terminator voice Raphael: question is how should we proceed to review those 2 large tables ? <tomayac> bandwidth... Raphael: option 1: during a plenary telecon with _everybody_ (preferred by Yves) ... option 2: distributed among group members that report on them in a telecon <tomayac> +1 for opt1 +1 for option 1 <tomayac> makes clarification easier in case of doubts <tomayac> (redialing) Raphael: next week is WWW conference, most likely will cancel the telecon ... wondering if we could review all test cases on April 6 Thomas: I will not be here Raphael: excellent work Davy 5. Other ISSUES ISSUE-21? <trackbot> ISSUE-21 -- Expressing complex regions with a reference in Media Fragments URI -- open <trackbot> [22]http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Fragments/tracker/issues/21 [22] http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Fragments/tracker/issues/21 Thomas: the use case makes sense ... I'm not sure if there is not security issue with their proposal Yves: I tend to be against it, because this reference could break/conflict with existing dimensions Davy: this reminds me of the whole discussion about extensibility ... can we answer this is considered for version 2 ? <Yves> they can encode the SVG in EXI to make it small, then encode it <Yves> but it would need an extension as exi is not utf-8 Thomas: perhaps we could come up with a subset of svg that narrows more the scope of the complex spatial fragment ... this would require to precisely specify which regions we want, 2D only?, circles, polygons Raphael: tracking images over the time? Thomas: CSS has animations, do they consider this? Raphael: we could invite one representant of this use case in a upcoming telecon <tomayac> hoping not to open a pandora box... 6. AOB <tomayac> [23]http://tomayac.com/mediafragments/mediafragments.html [23] http://tomayac.com/mediafragments/mediafragments.html Summary: we need to have a telecon for reviewing test cases, a telecon with Adisson for I18N, a telecon with Europeana for discussing ISSUE-21 ... so we need MORE people MORE often Raphael: for Safari bug, ping eric.carlson@apple.com and singer@apple.com <tomayac> pardon my ignorance ;-) No telecon next week because of the WWW conference Next telecon is on April 6th Summary of Action Items [End of minutes] _________________________________________________________ -- Raphaël Troncy EURECOM, Multimedia Communications Department 2229, route des Crêtes, 06560 Sophia Antipolis, France. e-mail: raphael.troncy@eurecom.fr & raphael.troncy@gmail.com Tel: +33 (0)4 - 9300 8242 Fax: +33 (0)4 - 9000 8200 Web: http://www.eurecom.fr/~troncy/
Received on Wednesday, 23 March 2011 09:57:06 UTC