Re: Media Fragment Question

On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 10:06 AM, Yves Lafon <> wrote:
> Well, the UA have hints, like being the address given in a <video> tag, but
> sending such Range r

Your sentence seems to have got cut off here.

>> 2) "If the server doesn't understand these query parameters, it
>> typically ignores them and returns the complete resource. This is not
>> a requirement by the URI or the HTTP standard, but the way it is
>> typically implemented in Web browsers." Should that be "typically
>> implemented in Web servers"?
> No, it is not a browser-implementation behaviour, see:
> <<
>   If a range unit is not understood in a request, a server MUST ignore
>   the whole Range header (Section 5.4).  If a range unit is not
>   understood in a response, an intermediary SHOULD pass the response to
>   the client; a client MUST fail.

I don't understand this reply - are you agreeing with me? The original
statement refers to query parameters and doesn't involve range
requests. It said that ignoring them is typically done by web browsers
but this is not the case. The web browser sends them to the server and
it is the server that decides which ones to ignore, if any.


Received on Wednesday, 29 September 2010 06:46:14 UTC