Lack of presence in telecon, Action re-allocation, Editorship policy

Dear all,

> the minutes of today’s telecom are at
> and in text format
> below.

Thanks Davy for having scribed today's telecon.

All, as you might have read in these minutes, I would like to emphasize 
4 points we have discussed:

1/ Presence in telecon:
According to this latest poll, we 
expected the whole group today except Conrad, but we were only 4. 
Therefore, for the ones who can obviously not make it on Wednesday at 
this hour (despite their answer), please suggest to the chairs a day and 
time where you can actually _make_ it!

2/ 6th Face to face meeting:
Face to face meetings have proved to be efficiently for making 
substantial progress. We have resolved that the next one will be 
organized in Sophia Antipolis on June 15-16. Please, book these dates on 
your calendar. I will send soon details for planning your trip.

3/ Re-allocation of some Actions:
There are some actions that are pending since way too much time and 
block further progress of the work. Consequently, we have resolved to 
re-allocate some actions. In particular, Davy and Silvia have kindly 
accepted to deal with the actions 154 (recipe 4 for media fragment 
processing) and 123 (ABNF syntax for the headers) previously assigned to 
Yves. I have made the changes in the tracker.

4/ Editorship policy:
We have discussed what should be our editorship policy. The 
specification has currently 2 groups (editors and contributors) while 
these roles are not really defined by W3C, nor consistently among the 
various groups. After discussion, Erik and I have suggested that Silvia 
and Davy jump to the editors group given they have edited most of the 
text. I have already changed this in the latest version of the document.

Best regards.


Raphaël Troncy
EURECOM, Multimedia Communications Department
2229, route des Crêtes, 06560 Sophia Antipolis, France.
e-mail: &
Tel: +33 (0)4 - 9300 8242
Fax: +33 (0)4 - 9000 8200

Received on Wednesday, 12 May 2010 20:34:46 UTC